- bamboo housing system 竹房屋系统
- Good results were attained in the reform of the urban housing system. 城镇住房制度改革取得明显成效。
- A drastic reformation of the present housing system has been carried out. 目前的住房制度正在彻底改革。
- Each bamboo house was surrounded by a thriving orchard. 每座竹楼周围都茂密的果园。
- It incorporates a hous piping system which feeds the individual consumers and a supply piping system which delivers the water from the meter box to the house system. 系统包括向每个用户供水的室内管道系统,一个将水从水表送至室内系统的给水管道系统。
- Are reproductions of Ming Bamboo House courtyard buildings, 100 beds. 有仿明四合院建筑竹园招待所,100个床位。
- Bulang bamboo house on the poles is similar to the Dai bamboo house on poles. 布朗族在政治经济、文化风俗等方面受傣族的影响较大。
- The programs for reforming the urban housing system and the system of medical insurance for urban workers are being implemented. 城镇住房制度改革、城镇职工医疗保险制度改革的方案正在实施。
- For new farms built around the country, the gestation and farrowing crates are by far the most common housing system for sows. 在美国这些新的大型猪场中,一般情况下妊娠和产仔的猪舍是最为常见的。
- The advance sale of commercial housing system in our country only has a little law to work. 我国现行法律制度对商品房预售制度只作了一般性的规定。
- It has the most prestigious business school in the world, a great housing system, and a diverse student body. 宾州大学拥有全世界最负盛名的商学院、良好的住宿制度,以及多样化的学生群。
- With the reforming of China's housing system, housing has become the hot and heavy burden to urban residents. 自我国住宅制度改革以来,住房已经成为城市居民最关注的热点和最沉重的包袱。
- Dai men like to wear shoulders in winter.Dai women wear body-hugging collarless blouses and long skirts.They live in bamboo house. 傣族人不仅能歌善舞,而且创造了灿烂的文化,尤以傣历、傣医药和叙事长诗最为出名。
- Seen as a business with great potential for growth, the real estate market has boomed since the State Council abolished the welfare housing system. 房屋市场一直被看好,具有巨大发展潜力,国务院取消福利分房后,房地产市场已经趋于活跃。
- The images of golden phoenix, bamboo house and elephant-leg drum in this emblem express Dai people's pursuit for beauty, freedom, happiness, peace, and felicity. 金孔雀、竹楼与象脚鼓组成的图案,表达了傣族对自由、幸福、和平、美丽的向往与追求。
- Rapid industrialized, restructuring of the pork industry has accelerated adoption of the crate as the standard housing system in the USA. 在快速的工业化发展下,以这种现代化的猪舍建造体系,加快了猪肉业的转型。
- China's housing accumulation fund system from the early nineties of the last century the establishment of housing system reform is one of the measures. 我国的住房公积金制度从上世纪九十年代初开始建立,是住房制度改革的措施之一。
- We will deepen reform of the urban housing system to meet people's multilevel housing demand, and strive to ensure adequate housing for everyone. 深化城镇住房制度改革,满足居民多层次住房需求,努力实现居者有其屋的目标。
- Cheap rental housing system not only os inexpensively one kind of housing safeguard system, also is an important content of housing system reform. 摘要廉租住房制度既是一种住房保障制度,又是住房制度改革的一项重要内容。