- The bandgap reference voltage is serf-generated by the circuit , the open-loop gain is mainly provided by the second stage cascode circuit. 电路在产生带隙基准电压的同时也能检测反馈电压的变化,从而简化了电路结构,降低了静态功耗,节省了芯片面积。
- Bandgap reference source is an important unit in integrated circuits,which supplied reference voltage or current independent of temperature and supply voltage. 带隙基准源是集成电路中的重要单元,输出不随温度、电源电压变化的基准电压或电流。
- The bandgap reference circuits base on BJT and MOS for temperature compensation in recent years.The reference voltage is designed a low sensitivity voltage for temperature and supply voltage. 而目前参考电路以BJT或MOS为温度补偿元件,经设计以得到低温度相关电压输出;
- bandgap reference voltage circuit 带隙基准电压源电路
- bandgap reference voltage source 带隙基准电压源
- Design of Piecewise Compensation CMOS Bandgap Reference Voltage Source 分段线性补偿型CMOS带隙基准电压源设计
- Design of a Low Temperature Fluctuation Changeable Output Bandgap Reference Voltage 一种低温漂输出可调带隙基准电压源的设计
- bandgap reference voltage 带隙基准电压
- A high precision CMOS bandgap reference(BGR)voltage sourcce is described in this paper. 设计了一种高精度CMOS带隙基准电压源电路。
- Resistors require a reference voltage to work. 电阻器需要一千工作参考电压。
- Abstract: Bandgap Reference can provide stable voltage with nearly zero temperature coefficient and larger PSRR,and also are process unrelated. 文章摘要: 带隙基准可提供近似零温度系数和大的电源电压抑制比的稳定电压基准,且与工艺基本无关。
- A thermal-compensation circuit is proposed as the timing reference whose function is similar to that of bandgap reference in the voltage domain. 本论文亦提出温度补偿电路作为时序参考源,其功能与电压域之能系参考源相仿。
- On the base of the conventional bandgap reference circuit, this circuit is added an operation amplifier. 该电路在传统带隙基准电路的基础上增加了一个运算放大器。
- A start up circuit, which can ensure the bandgap reference circuit proper operation, is proposed. 此外,为了使带隙基准电路能够正常工作,设计了启动电路。
- Andrea Boni.Opamps and Startup Circuits for CMOS Bandgap Reference with near 1V Supply\.IEEE Solid-State Circuits,2002(37):1 339-1 343. 刘国庆,于奇,刘源,等.;一种低温漂低电源电压调整率CMOS基准电流源\\
- The demodulator receives its reference voltage from the signal-generator voltage supply. 解调器的参考电压由电信号发生器电压电源供给。
- CMOS Bandgap Reference with Low Supply Voltage 一种低电源电压带隙基准的设计
- The peak load current limit is set by the user's selection of a reference voltage and current-sensing resistors. 用户可通过选择参考电压和电流感测电阻设置峰值载荷电流限制。
- Analog circuits such as operation amplifiers, integrators, comparators, multibit DACs, bandgap reference circuit, are designed and simulated with spectre. 在电路级研究中利用cadence工具,针对具体电路实现时所需的模拟器件的性能要求,设计和优化了诸如运算放大器、积分器、比较器、多位子ADC和DAC等模拟单元,完成了调制器的设计。
- This example, the output code is sensitive to relative changes between the bridge excitation and reference voltage. 在这个例子里,输出编码对相对变动在桥梁励磁和参考电压之间非常敏感。