- bandwidth of phase lock loop 锁相环带宽
- Accurate IP Behavioral Modeling of Phase Lock Loop 一种精确的锁相环IP模块行为级建模
- Some Thoughts about How to Select PLL Bandwidth of Phase Lock Receiver 锁相接收机环路参数选取的一些考虑
- The phase noise in microwave receiver and the measured parameter of source frequency instability are described in this paper, and the technology of frequency-synthesizing and theory of Phase Locked Loop (PLL) are also briefly introduced. 摘要阐述了微波接收机中的相位噪声概念及本振源频率不稳定度的实际测量参数,并简要介绍了频率合成技术和锁相环路工作原理。
- Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) and frequency divider (FD) are the main components of phase locked loop (PLL). For VCO, low phase noise can avoid the affection of Adjacent-Channel Interference. 摘要:压控振荡器与除频器是锁相迴路中,主要的电路之一。对压控振荡器而言,低相位杂讯可避免造成相邻通道的干扰。
- Application of Phase Lock Loop IC to the Design of a Heart Rate Display and Alarm Circuit 应用锁相环IC设计心率显示报警电路
- Resolution of Systematic Design Trouble with PLD Interior Phase Lock Loop. 使用PLD内部锁相环解决系统设计难题。
- soft of phase lock loop 软锁相
- Abstract:The Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Circuits are widely used in electronic systems especially in receivers. 锁相环路是在现代各种电子系统中,特别是在接收机中应用广泛的一种基本电路。
- The coupling visibilities(CV) of temperature sensor heads were measured with phase lock loop technique. 采用锁相环技术测试了各传感器的分光可见度随温度的变化关系。
- The frequency and phase lock loop has been applied for the carrier recovery of VSB transmission system in high definition TV. 目前,锁频锁相环在高清晰度电视VSB传输系统载波恢复中得到了应用。
- The signal processing circuses, including the low-noise pre-amplifier, the filter and the phase lock loop(PLL) demodulation were designed. 分析并研制了系统的信号调理电路,其中包括低噪声前置放大、滤波、锁相环解调。
- To meet the requirements of the target radio frequency (RF) hardware-in-the-loop simulation of the radio detonator, a method using a special phase lock loop (PLL) is presented. 摘要针对某型导弹无线电引信目标射频半实物仿真的需要,提出了一种特殊的环路锁相方法。
- One example is the phase comparator of a phase locked loop. 一个例子是相锁环状态下的相位比较器。
- To meet the requirements of the target radio frequency(RF) hardware-in-the-loop simulation of the radio detonator, a method using a special phase lock loop(PLL) is presented. 针对某型导弹无线电引信目标射频半实物仿真的需要,提出了一种特殊的环路锁相方法。
- A Improvement of Thyristor Trigger Based on Synchronous Circuit of Phase Locked Loop 基于锁相不同步的可控硅触发器改进
- An improvement on thyristor trigger based on synchronous circuit of phase locked loop 基于锁相环同步的晶闸管触发器的改进
- A. To broaden the bandwidth of the network. 为了延伸本网路的频宽。
- Bandwidth of the sensor is 300 MHz with SNR 50. 该传感器的频带宽度为300MHz,信噪比为50。