- The bank staff anticipated his dismissal by stealing money. 那名银行职员因偷钱而遭提前开除。
- The bank staff got up to all sorts of antics to raise money for charity. 银行职员使出各种可笑的花招为慈善事业筹款。
- The stolen coins would be exchanged for notes through conspiring bank staff. 该些赃款,经由串谋的银行职员兑换成纸币。
- Bank staff are to be given more training to help them deal with armed robbers. 银行职员要接受更多的帮助他们应付武装抢劫者的培训。
- The Bank staff answered her queries and took details of her complaint. 这家银行的职员答复了他的询问并接受了他投诉的详情。
- After much hemming and hawing, the bank staff finally ushered her //into// the president's office. 银行的职员支支吾吾,默默唧唧半天,还是领她去了总裁办公室。
- Sun Chung Wah was a reporter with a bad health cancer went to Singapore to report a case of bank staff who did some stock transaction illegally. 患上绝症的记者辛宗华往新加坡采访一宗银行职员非法炒卖股票之案件。
- The integrity report talks of “triage”: cases implicating bank staff get its full attention, as do cases that put the bank's name at risk. 诚信报告提到了“分类筛选(triage)”:涉及该行职员的案件将得到充分重视,一如那些可能玷污世行名誉的案件一样。
- The integrity report talks of“triage”: cases implicating bank staff get its full attention, as do cases that put the bank's name at risk. 廉政机制部称之为“优先分类法”:当把世行的名字挂在一桩合同上意味着风险时,这就暗示员工要对其更小心。
- Mr Kellems paid tribute to bank staff in his resignation statement: “I have tremendous respect and admiration for the bank staff and management. 凯勒姆斯在其辞职声明中赞扬了世行员工:“我对世行员工和管理层有着崇高的敬意和赞赏。”
- The bank staff will try to bring this cost to the minimum by designing the basic loan creatively to best fit the borrower's credit need and cash flow. 银行职员将通过创造性的设计基本贷款,使之最适合借贷者的贷款需要和现金流,试图将这一成本降到最低。
- Uncle Zhang goes to the bank to deposit 10 Yuan, if the staff bank for deposits him on the deposit (10 Yuan), if the bank staff do not give the deposit, he does not deposit. 翻译句子:张大爷去银行储蓄10元钱,如果的工作人员银行给储蓄他就储蓄(10元钱),如果银行的工作人员不给储蓄;他就不储蓄.
- The inspection panel notes in its report that local World Bank staff were concerned both by the co-ordinator’s political links and by his qualifications. 调查组在其报告中表示,世行当地员工关注的不仅是协调人的政治纽带,还有他的自身条件。
- Please call BOC Credit Card 24-hour Customer Service Hotline or ask our bank staff for our circular to the customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. 请致电中银信用卡24小时客户服务热线或向本银行任何一间分行职员索取一份卡公司关于个人资料(私隐)条例的客户通知.
- But another bank staff were recognized recalculation increased interest costs, certainly no less than the "multi-millions" more interest, the bank can charge fees imposed corresponding costs. 所以,银行的这一做法并不违法。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- It should have stockpile to treat personnel who are maintaining the essential services of our nations, eg: police, banking staff, water work, TNB etc. 除此以外,也必须确保其他基本服务领域的工作人员,包括警员、银行职员等获得药物供应。
- In this paper, it is found that internal information disclosure in our country is irregular and understated and is viewed and understood differently by the banking staff. 本文通过相关研究发现我国存在内部控制信息披露不规范、披露不充分及对内部控制信息披露的认识和理解不一致等问题。
- The bank has progressively increased its liquidity. 银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
- In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement. 为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。