- Haier spent $15million to buy the former Greenwich Bank building. 这个总部是海尔耗资1500万美元购买的前格林尼治银行的大楼。
- The Deutsche Bank building was irreparably damaged when the towers fell. 世贸中心坍塌将德意志银行大楼彻底摧毁。
- In the 70s it was often bank buildings. 70年代多是银行大楼。
- Another bank building a strategic toehold in Hong Kong is Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd. 另一家在香港银行业建立战略立足点的银行是三菱东京UFJ银行(BankofTokyo-MitsubishiUFJ)。
- He's just announced that his company has bought that prime piece of real estate next to the Intercontinental Bank building on Sunrise Boulevard. 他刚才宣布,他的公司买了日出大马路洲际银行旁边那幅黄金房地产。
- A bank building needs reinforcement and rectification because of uneven settlement caused by vicinal construction of underground pipeline. 某银行营业楼由于临近地下管道施工引起不均匀沉降,造成倾斜超过国家规定标准,需进行加固纠偏处理。
- However, in the completely empty bank building, some restaurant has used such advertisement language: “where places the money, where in opens mouth. 然而,在空空如也的银行大楼里,有一家餐馆用了这样的广告语:“把钱放在哪儿,就在哪儿张嘴。”
- Nevertheless, I’ll follow the lead of a restaurant that opened in an empty bank building and then advertised: “Put your mouth where your money was. 不过,我将像一家在曾经的银行大楼里开的餐厅所做的广告那样:“把你的嘴放在你原来放钱的地方。”
- Charlene: He's just announced that his company has bought that prime piece of real estate next to the Intercontinental Bank building on Sunrise Boulevard. 沙琳:他刚才宣布,他的公司买了日出大马路洲际银行旁边那幅黄金房地产。
- Several days later, the HSBC Bank building in Istanbul was bombed. Explosions also rocked the British consulate, killing at least 25 people and wounding about 400. 数天之后,位于伊斯坦布尔的汇丰银行大厦发生爆炸,至少造成25人死亡、400人受伤。爆炸事件震惊了驻伊斯坦布尔的英国领事馆。
- Charlene: He's just announced that his company has bought that prime piece of real estate next to the Intercontinental Bank building on Sunrise Boulevard . 沙琳:他刚才宣布,他的公司买了日出大马路洲际银行旁边那幅黄金房地产。
- The anarchist had tried to rob a bank our all by himself, but then he had ran outof ammunition and now he was trapped in a back portion of the bank building with no espace. 这名无政府主义者想自己一个人抢劫一个银行,但后来他没了弹药,被困在银行大楼的后面无处可逃。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- Stars streak behind the ruins of the Cook Bank building in the Nevada ghost town of Rhyolite as a Perseid meteor traces a near vertical line across the early morning sky on August 13, 2007. 2007年8月13日,当英仙座流星雨以近乎直线的轨迹划过清晨的天空时,繁星在内华达州流纹岩鬼镇的库克银行废墟身后划出一条条光迹。
- Special Note: First National Bank builds on the previous three sessions and you should review the terms and concepts from those sessions. 特别说明:第一国家银行是建立在之前的3个章节的,你应该回顾这些章节中的术语和概念。
- The bank has progressively increased its liquidity. 银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
- In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement. 为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。
- The building of the Bank of China is topmost in Hong Kong. 中银大厦在香港是最高的。
- How on earth do they manage to rob the bank? 他们到底怎么抢了银行的?
- In particular, South Korean banks built up strong capital-solvency ratios and fended off bad assets. 尤其应指出的一点是,韩国银行曾建立过较高的资本-偿债率,并对不良资产层层设防。