- bank rs exchange settlement 结汇
- I'd like to be a foreign exchange settlement clerk. 我想做外汇结算员。
- It is not the bank rs policy to deduct interest on withdrawals. 提款需扣除利息这并非是本银行的政策。
- Foreign exchange settlement risk is also called the Herstatt risk. 外汇结算风险由称为“赫斯特风险”。
- The Reserve Bank will pay an interest rate 25 basis points below the Official Cash Rate on overnight balances in the exchange settlement accounts held at the Reserve Bank. 纽西兰准备银行将会对存放在该行的交换清算帐户隔夜存款馀额,按官方隔夜利率减25个基点计付利息。
- The complete financial system directly deals with foreign exchange settlement and international financial business. 漯河建立的完备的金融体系,可直接办理外汇结算和国际金融业务。
- We need to improve and spread exchange settlement methods of the RMB for border trade to promote the facilitation of trade and investment. 完善和推广边境贸易人民币结汇办法,促进贸易、投资便利化。
- The salesman shall do the classification and collation of the business documents, and submit the related to the accounting department for the purposes of foreign exchange settlement in the concerned administration departments timely. 全部收汇后,业务人员请对相关资料进行整理,将相关单据较财务部门及时外汇局、税务局办理核销、退税。
- the World Bank rs director for Turkey 世界银行负责土耳其事务的理事
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- transfer on exchange settlement account 外汇清算帐户转帐
- domestic exchange settlement account credit [经] 国内汇兑结算帐户贷方
- domestic exchange settlement account debit [经] 国内汇兑结算帐户借方
- The bank has progressively increased its liquidity. 银行逐渐地增加其流动资产。
- Import permit without foreign exchange settlement 不结汇进口许可证,不结汇输入许可证
- Export permit without foreign exchange settlement 不结汇出口许可证,不结汇输出许可证
- In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement. 为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。
- certificate of exchange settlement for import 进口结汇证书
- banks rs forcible withdrawal of money 银行强行收回贷款
- How on earth do they manage to rob the bank? 他们到底怎么抢了银行的?