- bank strategic management 银行决策管理
- Strategic management and business policy II. 战略管理与企业政策2。
- Essentials of strategic management II. 战略管理精要2。
- Front Line Strategic Management Consulting, Inc. 据前沿战略管理咨询公司。
- The guru of strategic management finally began to talk about CSR. 管理大师终于也来点评企业社会责任了!
- Strategic management cases /Allen Morrison, Paul W.Beamish. = 战略管理学 / 莫礼训; 包铭心 编.
- Strategic management decision-support tools to optimize business performance. 策略管理决策支持工具可优化业务绩效。
- Laura and he enrolled in the training course "strategic Management". 劳拉和他报名参加了"战略管理"培训课程。
- At the point of value chain, Bank Strategic Alliance is reinterpreted.The essence of strategic alliance is complementary to the core links of value chain. 摘要从价值链的角度诠释银行战略联盟,可以认为战略联盟的实质是价值链核心环节的互补。
- Enterprise strategic management is the core of enterprise management. 企业战略管理是企业管理的核心。
- Can the constructivism reshape the foundation of strategic management research? 建构主义是否可以重构战略管理研究的基础?
- RPC operation mode is to look for the discussion in domestic commercial Banks strategic transformation process for the operation management mode. RPC运营模式的探讨就是为了寻找这样一种在国内商业银行战略转型过程中所适合的运营管理模式。
- In modern strategic management and planning, SWOT analysis is a widely known diagnostic tool. 在现代的战略管理和规划中,SWOT分析是一个众所周知的诊断工具。
- In modern strategic management and planning,SWOT analysis is a widely known diagnostic tool. 在现代的战略管理和规划中,SWOT分析是一个众所周知的诊断工具。
- The strategic management in universities needs the leaders to be the strategic hatcher and the compere to carry out the strategy. 摘要大学的战略管理要求大学领导既是战略策划者,又要在战略的执行和实现中发挥指挥者的作用。
- The most popular majors were:strategic management, finance, and accounting and marketing, which built a tradition of functional specialsation. 最受欢迎的专业有:战略管理、金融、会计和市场。它们树立了实用性的专业化传统。
- Strategic management makes enterprise more active to react to the environment changes. 战略管理可以使企业更主动的,而不只是被动的对环境变化做出反应。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- It will play import role in achieving an enterprise object whether the strategic management execute effectly or not. 战略管理能否得到有效得实施,对实现一个机构或企业的目标至关重要。
- Read: Porter, Michael E. Towards a Dynamic Theory of Strategy. Strategic Management Journal 12, 1991, pp 95-117. 竞争优势中的资源基础理论:策略形成的蕴涵〉。《加州管理评论》33,第3卷,1991。