- banking crisis contagion 银行危机传导
- bank crisis contagion 银行危机传导
- Will Banking Crisis Burst Out in China? 中国会爆发银行危机吗?
- If not, something like a banking crisis could ensue. 如果没有起到应有作用,银行危机之类的事情料将发生。
- If the banking crisis persists, the ECB may have to do likewise. 如果银行危机持续下去,ECB也许不得不采取同样的措施。
- The central bank's intervention in the banking crisis. 中央银行对银行危机的干预。
- "Below the setting of global banking crisis, operation as before very dovish. “在全球金融危机的背景下,运营依旧非常稳健。”
- Asian banking crisis happens up to now already a year superabundant. 亚洲金融危机发生至今已经一年有余。
- AMERICA has been dithering about how to sort out its banking crisis. 关于如何解决银行业危机,美利坚一直举棋不定。
- But the world banking crisis coincided with a rapid upsurge of antibank feeling. 但是不巧,在发生世界性的银行危机时,反对银行的情绪也在迅速高涨。
- As the first big banking crisis of the 21st century rumbles on, the clamour for reforming international finance is rising. 随着21世纪最大的银行业危机甚嚣尘上的进行,要求对国际金融系统进行改革的呼声也日益高涨。
- Global banking crisis comes, AOL China cuts down the member of persons employed, disbanding is inevitable. 全球金融危机到来,AOL中国裁员、解散是必然的。
- Not surprisingly, global recession and the banking crisis have taken their toll. 不出意料,全球经济衰退与金融危机敲响了警钟。
- Only then the aggravate of global banking crisis at southeast Asia Japanese finance is queasy, abet economic coast. 始于东南亚的全球性金融危机加剧了日本的金融动荡,助长了经济滑坡。
- After Asian banking crisis, collaboration of northeast subregion region has real sense more. 亚洲金融危机后 ,东北亚区域合作更具现实意义。
- In any case, the greediest employees may be the ones most likely to usher in the next banking crisis. 在任何情况下,最贪婪的雇员可能是导致下一个金融危机的因素。
- As most rich countries had a property boom before the banking crisis, they should expect more pain in the coming years. 银行危机前大多数富裕国家存在不动产泡沫,未来几年里这些国家会预期更加痛苦。
- Suffer international banking crisis to pounded lesser Chinese enterprise to quicken the pace of abroad dilate. 受国际金融危机冲击较小的中国企业加快了海外扩张的步伐。
- Ifthe bubble is allowed to grow unchecked, the ultimate crash will firstlead to nonperforming loans and banking crisis. 如果任由泡沫发展,最终会导致贷款无法清偿和银行危机。
- A high speed repeat of the American banking crisis that underpinned the unique misery of the 1930s threatened. 导致上世纪30年代独特惨境的美国银行业危机似乎马上就会卷土重来。