- These carpets are for sale at a bargain price. 这些地毯以优惠价出售。
- These carpet is for sale at a bargain price. 这些地毯以优惠价出售。
- I saw a car advertised at a bargain price in the local paper but it had already been snapped up when I phoned the seller. 我在地方报纸上看到一则广告,说有一辆新车廉价出售,但我打电话给出售者时,被告知那辆车早已被人抢先一步买去了。
- The S/C should be made on the base of bargain price. 以最后成交价为准.;用英语正式商贸语应该怎么说
- Well, the company I'm buying this week, I'm getting for the bargain price of about one billion. 我本周要买的公司它的价钱是十亿。
- Our goal is to find an outstanding business at a sensible price, not a mediocre business at a bargain price. 我们的目标是以合理的价格买到绩优的企业,而不是以便宜的价格买进平庸的公司,
- But on the other hand there are quite a few Timberland Shoes varieties sold for a bargain price. 坦然面对自慰吧其实,每个人大可坦荡荡地面对 “ 自慰 ” 这件事。
- You can also buy matching necklaces and earrings at bargain prices. 你也可以用便宜的价格买到相匹配的项链和耳环。
- You might think that you can get such stocks at bargain prices. 你可能认为你可以在比较低的价位买到这样的股票。
- Mary: Sniping is when someone makes a bid at the very last minute to steal something for a bargain price. 玛丽:‘偷袭’就是当有人快要标到某样东西的最后一刻,跑进去抢标。
- Repackage items with no special theme or concept other than offering a high price product at a bargain price. 无特殊主题包装物品或概念;提供一个高价格比其它产品便宜价格.
- The critical challenge for investment is to determine the intrinsic value of the underlying asset and obtain it at fair or even bargain price. 投资的最大挑战是确定一项资产的内在价值并以公平或者低价获得这项资产。
- In fact, delayed recognition can be an advantage: It may give us the chance to buy more of a good thing at a bargain price. 事实上越晚被发现有时好处更多,因为我们就有更多的机会以便宜的价格买进它的股份。
- Mellor has failed to secure a first-team place after four years at Anfield and North End boss Paul Simpson hopes to land for a bargain price. 梅勒在安菲尔德的四年中未能赢得一线队位置;而普利斯顿教头保罗-辛普森希望廉价引进他.
- It is the precondition for the hospital to purchase good equipments at a bargain price that holds their technical characters and relative factors. 医院在采购该类设备时,正确把握其技术特点,了解其相关要素,是保证采购到性价比优良设备的前提。
- The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores. 低廉的价格意在把顾客从其他商店吸引过来。
- Shoppers snatched up goods at bargain prices during the clearance sale. 购物者在清仓拍卖时大肆抢购特价商品。
- When a small slice of a business is offered at a bargain price, it is helpful to evaluate it as if the whole business were offered for sale there. 当市场以低廉的价格显露出哪怕是一小片的交易机会时,就当它是市场所提供的全部交易机会去评估之,是大有裨益的。
- What differ completely with market of other building materials is, grand dark ambry was not hit fold, but have bargain price however monopolistic. 与其他建材市场完全不同的是,隆森橱柜没有打折,但却有特价专卖。
- Did I mention my leg is 44 inches from hip to toe, so, basically, we're talkin' about 88 inches of therapy. Wrapped around you for the bargain price of. 我是否说过我的腿由屁股到脚趾有44寸长,所以基本上我们在谈的是88寸长的治疗,把你给紧紧缠着。