- barrels per steam day [机] 每个生产日桶数
- The refinery will produce 10 million tons of oil per year, or 200,000 barrels per day. 该炼油厂每年将生产1000万吨石油,或20万桶每天。
- In the 1990s the Venezuelan oil company embarked on a scheme to raise output to 6.5m barrels per day (b/d). 20世纪90年代委内瑞拉石油公司着手实施一项规划来使其日产量达到650万桶。
- The largest oil field discovered will produce more than 100,000 barrels per day. 发现的最大油田将每天产油超过10万桶。
- That means that, starting Thursday, the 11 members in the cartel will pump 23.5 million barrels per day on to the markets. 这意味着,从周四开始,该联盟的11个成员国将每日向市场投放两千三百五十万桶石油。
- World oil consumption rose by 1.2 million barrels per day (bbl/d) in the second quarter of 2007 compared with year-earlier levels. 2007年2季度,世界石油消费量比上年同期增长了120万桶/日。
- Iran's Minister of Oil Gholam-Hossein Nozari said Friday that Iran will cut its crude oil production by 199000 barrels per day from November 1. 伊朗石油部长诺扎里10月31日表示,自11月1日起,伊朗将原油日产量削减19.;9万桶。
- One reason for what OPEC estimates is a drop in oil output of around 1m barrels per day over the past decade is the politicisation of PDVSA. OPEC统计过去十年里委内瑞拉每天的石油产量减少了100万桶,其原因就是PDVSA的政治化。
- Non-Opec supply forecasts were revised down by 35,000 barrels per day, with total output from non-Opec producers expected to reach 51.3m b/d this year, up from 50.1m b/d in 2005. 经过修正,国际能源机构对非欧佩克产油国的供应预测每日减少了3.;5万桶,至每日5130万桶,但依然高于2005年的5010万桶。
- Supply is rising too: the output of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) rose by 300,000 barrels per day in March, estimates the IEA. 供应方面也在上升:据IEA估计,欧佩克的产量在三月份调高到每天三百万桶。
- The remarks came at an oil summit in Jeddah, where Saudi Arabia said it is already increasing production by 200,000 barrels per day, but would consider an even higher output. 他是在沙特城市吉达召开的石油问题高峰会议上说这番话的。沙特阿拉伯在会议上说,沙特已经把原油日产量增加20万桶,而且会考虑进一步增产。
- Late last week, a 120,000 barrel per day Chevron plant was closed after its pipelines were attacked. 上周晚些时候,1个日产量12万桶的雪佛龙公司的工厂在其输油管道遭到破坏后关闭。
- Oil Minister Sheik Saud Nasser al-Sabah said the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) will agree to increase production by 1m barrels per day (bpd) from April. 科威特石油部长萨巴赫说石油输出国组织将从四月起每日增加一百万桶的产量。
- China was the world's second largest consumer of petroleum products in 2003, surpassing Japan for the first time, with total demand of 5.56 million barrels per day (bbl/d). 2003年,中国的石油产品需求首次超越日本,成为世界第二大消耗国,每日需求量达5.;56百万桶。
- Barrels per day. 桶/日
- Develop a process flow diagram showing the capacities of the various stages in barrels per hour. 绘制工艺流程图表,反映不同阶段每小时的桶装容量。
- Million barrels per day. 每天上百万桶
- Develop a process flow diagram, showing the capacities of the various stages in barrels per hour. 制造一生产流程图,标明在不同阶段每小时装桶的产能。
- An extra 3 million barrels per day of production capacity worldwide is needed to avoid another year of blistering oil prices, International Energy Agency (IEA) executive director Claude Mandil warned on September 5. 9月5日,国际能源机构(简称IEA)执行理事克劳德·芒迪警告说,要避免下一年再度出现石油价格狂涨的现象,就需要在全球范围内把石油日产量再提高300万桶。
- OPEC Secretary-General Badri 17 cities in Oran in Algeria, announced the decision from the OPEC member states on January 1, 2009 to cut crude oil production from 2,200,000 barrels per day. 欧佩克秘书长巴德里17日在阿尔及利亚城市奥兰宣布,欧佩克成员国决定从2009年1月1日起削减原油日产量220万桶。