- The base frame (50) is substantially horizontal. 所述基座框架(50)基本水平。
- Fangmu shaft brick structure with the column Fang, Dougong. 塔身用砖砌成仿木结构的柱枋、斗拱。
- Liquid tight base frame, meets most relevant environment protection laws. 防漏底盘,符合最严格的环境保护法。
- The demolition of hollow brick structure by multi point air coupling blasting is introduced. 介绍了采用多点空气耦合爆破拆除技术对空心砖结构实施定向爆破。
- Balcony from the masonry brick structure, floor, starting as a ridge of hard-Peak, Pantile Long double eaves. 楼座由砖石砌成,楼身为起脊硬山顶,筒瓦拢重檐。
- The diesel engine and alternator to be close coupled and on a common base frame. 柴油机与发电机采用共用公共底座连接。
- This paper discusses why the wall splits open in the brick structure, and how to abstain wall splitting open in building design. 本文主要论述了砌体结构墙体开裂的主要原因以及在设计中为避免墙体开裂所采取的相应措施。
- The exercise machine includes a base frame (50), a drive unit (60), an undulator (RD), and a floorboard (80) . 所述健身器包括基座框架(50)、驱动单元(60)、波动器(RD)和踏板(80)。
- Built in Victorian style, the building is a rectangular two-storey plastered brick structure characterised by arched windows and long verandahs. 天文台属维多利亚式建筑,楼高两层,呈长方形,其拱形窗和长廊更别具特色。
- Base frame &drive housing made of ferrosteel with good stiffness and high vibration besistance. 本机底座及传动箱采用灰口铸铁,刚性好、搞振性强;
- Around the grounds’ periphery are places where people can rest, such as the summerhouse, an ornate brick structure on the west front lawn. 庭园的周围有可供人们休憩的场所,像是凉亭那个坐落在西翼前方草坪的华美砖砌建筑物。
- Ming Wanli 23 years (Year 1595) Hu Guang Chen Kinsey built right in politics, three four to eight square windows brick structure. 明万历二十三年(公元1595年)湖广右参政陈性学修建,为八方形三门四窗砖石结构。
- It is discovered from a specific mast that the first four natural frequencies have a high fluctuation of 26% when the base frame is constru... 由实际算例确定,在岩土及碎石土和亚粘土两种不同地基上,井架系统的前四阶固有频率将有高达26%25的波动。
- Now, built a number of herdsmen Village, the rows of tidy bungalows and brick structure into a film in MongoliaZhanfang Cuolayouzhi, touching scenes. 现在,建成了多处牧民新村,一排排整齐的砖瓦结构平房和成片的蒙古包毡房错落有致,景象动人。
- The left side of the temple built in the 11 meters high five-story brick structure of hexagonal stupa, carved, and built in the Qing Dynasty. 在寺庙的左侧建有高11米六角五层砖石结构的舍利塔,雕刻精致,为清代所建。
- PACKAGING. These vacuum pump packages are supplied standard with full electricals, inlet filtration, base frame and controls. Connect to the system, plug it in and go. 完整系统。真空泵标配有完整的电控装置、进气过滤装置、底座和控制系统。与您的真空系统相连,就可以运行使用。
- The undulator (RD) is disposed at a top of the base frame (50), and undulates three-dimensional Iy through the driving force provided by the drive unit (60) . 所述波动器(RD)设置在基座框架(50)的顶部,并通过由驱动单元(60)提供的驱动力三维地波动。
- The nearest hiding place was a shabby brick structure some fifteen or twenty ells from where he crouched, a disused kiln or oven that squatted on the chamber's fringe. 距他目前蹲伏的这个位置最近的藏身之处,是大约十五到二十厄尔远的一处残破的砖制的架构,它或是一个废弃的砖窑,或是一个不用的烤炉,矮矮地在这洞窟的边缘堆积着。
- Stiffness Analysis of Vehicle Base Frame Structure 某型车底架结构的强度分析研究
- multi-bank inner frame brick house 多排柱内框架砌体房屋