- Cuban baseball fans comment in Havana. 古巴球迷在哈瓦那讨论球赛。
- Delirious joy;a crowd of delirious baseball fans. 狂喜;一群狂热的棒球球迷
- I'm a true baseball fan, I tell you. 告诉你,我是个真正的足球迷。
- Baseball fans often keep track of every team in the league. 棒球迷往往将联盟中的每一支球队情况详细记录。
- As a baseball fan who roots for the New York Mets, Judge Keenan sometimes uses baseball analogies to explain legal issues. 基南法官是一个支持纽约大都会棒球队的球迷,有时用棒球来推理解释法律问题。
- It's cheaper and most of the real baseball fans sit in the bleachers. 露天看台便宜,而且大多数真正的棒球球迷都坐在露天看台。
- Becoming a baseball fan was a byproduct of my research into sport on TV. 我成了棒球迷,是研究电视体育节目的副作用。
- He was a knowledgeable baseball fan and often took me to Ebbets Field to see the Brooklyn Dodgers play. 因为他是个棒球迷,有丰富的棒球知识,他过去常带我去埃比茨棒球场观看布鲁克林的鬼精灵队的比赛。
- For many Taiwanese baseball fans, the baseball stadiums in U.S and Japan are just like their pilgrimages of baseball. 而美国、日本的球场对很多台湾球迷来说是个圣地,是球迷朝圣的地点。
- That both Japan and Korea managed to get into the WBC finals filled baseball fans in Taiwan with envy. 日本和韩国双双奋力打入经典赛决赛的事实使台湾的棒球迷充满妒忌.
- Kuo is the only one who knows whether he will once again amaze baseball fans, or if his MLB career will continue to be clouded with uncertainty. 郭泓志是否可以再次震撼棒球迷,还是他的大联盟职业生涯仍前途未卜,这个答案只有他自己知道了。
- Most baseball fans will forever put a huge asterisk on Bonds breaking the career home run record of Henry Aaron, and this is correct. 帮茨打破了亨利 阿伦 职业生涯“本垒打”记录,对此,大部分球迷都会对他称赞有佳,这是对的。
- By mid-January, a true baseball fan starts longing for the new baseball season to begin. 到一月份中旬,一个铁杆棒球球迷就开始盼望新赛季比赛的开始。
- He plays Pete Young, a baseball fan who has just scored a great job as a batboy for the fictional New York Empires. 经过几次“流血事件”之后,一些小疤痕成了他的“永久纪念”。
- This original thinker and big-time baseball fan left a visual image on everyone. 这个思想家和棒球迷给大家留下了生动的印象。
- As a baseball fan who roots for the New York Mets,Judge Keenan sometimes uses baseball analogies to explain legal issues. 基南法官是一个支持纽约大都会棒球队的球迷,有时用棒球来推理解释法律问题。
- Yet even as San Francisco Giants fans hailed their hero, many other baseball fans across America were dismissing Mr Bonds as a cheat, and his new record a travesty. 当旧金山巨人队球迷为他们的英雄高呼呐喊之时,其他棒球迷却认为庞兹不仅忽悠了他们,且其新纪录也是一场彻头彻尾的骗局。
- Are you a baseball fan enjoying the start of the season? An avid gardener with a green thumb? Or do you just enjoy springtime itself? 你是一个正在享受赛季初期的棒球迷吗?一个渴望特殊技能的园丁?或者你只是想享受美丽的春光?
- Search Most Read Story Most Viewed Photo Baseball fans load their trays during the Los Angeles Dodgers game against the Milwaukee Brewers in Los Angeles, on May 23, 2007. 去年五月二十三日,在洛杉矶看洛杉矶道奇队对密尔瓦基酿酒人队球赛的球迷装了满盘的食物。
- Q: I know you are a big baseball fan so I was wondering if you ever got to play with any of the Astros or other big league players you might know? (J.P. 问:我知道你是一个大的棒球迷,所以我想知道如果您有任何发挥的太空人或其他大联盟球员你可能知道吗?