- basic credit line 贷款限额
- I now have a $5500 credit line with them. 我现在在那家银行有5500美元的存款。
- Credit line authorized by bank, if you have. 银行授予的信贷额度,如果您有的话。
- And beside the photo was the credit line Robert Kincaid. 照片旁署名罗伯特.;金凯。
- Guests should settle all bills when checking out unless credit line is set up. 客人在饭店的消费可在离店时一并结算,如果已办理信贷关系则不受此限。
- The credit line should be opened one month before the time of shipment. 信用额度银行提供给借方一定期限和一定金额限度的信贷安排。
- Successfully apply for the American Express Basic Credit Card and you ll receive a Benetton "Duo-Face" Bag. 成功申请基本美国运通基本信用卡,即可获赠Benetton“Duo-Face”袋一个。
- Unless you indicate,otherwise I will use the complete reference entered above as a credit line. 若无异议,我将引用上述表格并注明出处和作者。
- The agreement also included opening up a credit line to finance small and medium-sized companies in the private sector. 该协议还包括向中小型私人产业开放信用额度提供资金。
- Financing for the project will be provided by a credit line from China's Exim Bank (Export-Import Bank). 为项目提供信用额度资金的是中国进出口银行。
- As the money is in the form of a credit line, the budgetary impact has been calculated at just $5bn. 由于相关资金采取信贷额度形式,因此其对预算的影响仅估算为50亿美元。
- The increased credit line is aimed at allaying fears among JAL's suppliers and creditors about its financial stability. 提高信贷额度,目的是为了安抚供应商和债权人对日航财务稳定性的忧虑。
- Credit Line An arrangement in which a bank offers to provide a specified amount of credit to a borrower for a certain period of time. 信用额度银行提供给借方一定期限和一定金额限度的信贷安排。
- The CPD Land Reserve &Dealing Center also got 3 billion credit line extension for the construction and development of surrounding areas of Meixi Lake. 大河西先导区土地储备(交易)中心也获得意向授信30亿元,主要用于梅溪湖周边地区城建及配套项目的开发建设。
- Now that they have merged, credit lines are being amalgamated and cut back. 由于合并,信贷限额也统一了,信贷也就紧缩了。
- Basic Credit and Extended Facilities; 基本和延展贷款设施;
- As for the financing matter of the project XXX, we confirmed that it is infeasible to solve it through increasing favourable credit line after negotiation with XXX Bank. 关于XXX项目的融资问题,经与XXX银行联系,可基本确认通过增加优惠贷款额度的方式解决项目融资的途径不可行。
- If, as promised, mobile phones soon begin to serve as payment devices, mobile malware that nabs your identity and taps directly into your credit line could follow. 不久后,若移动电话如预期地成为付款工具,会盗用身份及信用额度的手机恶意软件就可能随后出现。
- Poland's chilly attitude towards euro membership began to thaw after a euro10 billion ($12.5 billion) credit line was offered by the ECB to help stabilise the zloty. 而在ECB为了稳定兹罗提而向波兰提供了100亿欧元(125亿美元)的信贷额度之后,波兰对于加入欧元区的冷淡态度也开始有所升温。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。