- The principle of Basic Social Contradiction in historical materialism is a theory of social dynamics that is in agreement with the fundamentals of synergetics. 唯物史观关于社会基本矛盾运动的原理,是与协同动力学原理相一致的社会动力学理论。
- The contradictions between productive forces and the relations of production and between economic base and superstructure constitute the basic social contradiction. 生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾,构成社会的基本矛盾。
- basic social contradiction 社会基本矛盾
- "Nudity is a threat to the basic social contract. “裸露是对基本社会契约的一种威胁。
- If your basic social skills are weak, your dating skills will be sabotaged. 如果你基本的社交技巧很薄弱,约会技巧将难以充分发挥作用。
- The mass incident,from the essence,is the objective reflection of the social contradiction,an inevitable and normal social phenomenon. 群体性事件从本质上来说,是社会存在矛盾的客观反映,是一种不可避免的正常的社会现象。
- basic social contradictions 社会基本矛盾
- The fifth part has pointed out the structural and social contradiction that the Peal River Delta area will face in the course of economic development in the future. 第五部分指出了“珠三角”地区今后在经济发展过程中需要解决的结构性和社会性矛盾。
- the basic social contradictions 社会基本矛盾
- In the light of the social contradiction and inharmony appeared at the turning point of the society, it is essential to establish the new integrated social system and model. 摘要针对社会转型关键时期多发的社会矛盾、社会的不协调,必须构建新型的社会整合机制和社会整合模式。
- By analyzing the actual social contradiction, the new materialism seeks to realize freedom of each people, makes it the theme of its philosophical research. 这种新唯物主义在分析现实社会矛盾的基础上寻求实现每个人的自由,并把它作为哲学研究的主题。
- Analyse, the administration of justice safeguards the civil order theoretically, regulate the social contradiction, balance social interests, can realize being just. 从理论角度进行分析,司法按正当的法律程序维护社会秩序,调节社会矛盾,平衡社会利益,就能实现公正。
- Second,a rapidly growing population,and the low level of education,public health and other basic social services. 二是人口增长过快,教育、卫生等基本社会服务水平低。
- To encourage students to interact with others and establish basic social skills. 鼓励学生与别人互相交往及建立基本沟通礼仪。
- Second, a rapidly growing population, and the low level of education, public health and other basic social services. 二是人口增长过快,教育、卫生等基本社会服务水平低。
- Noll points out that the odds of success improve with better basic social skills. 诺尔指出,使用一些较好的社交技巧将会使成功的几率大大提高。
- By virtue of paying more attention to the social contradiction and the human emotion as well as the beauty of truthfulness, the realist aesthetics and techniques hold a leading position. 现实主义审美观和表现手法重新占据主导位置,基本表现为对社会矛盾和人心情感深度的现实关照以及维护真实之美感。
- Labor relation is the most basic social relation of the modern society, without it there will be not social harmony. 摘要劳动关系是现代社会最基本的社会关系,没有劳动关系的和谐就没有社会的和谐。
- Compensation is the integration of social contradiction,benefit differences and knowledge divergences,but there are still unsatisfactory aspects in the institution of compensation of our country. 补偿是社会矛盾、利益差别、认识分岐的整合器,但是我国的补偿制度还十分不健全。
- Migrant workers in China's urban centers do not have access to public education, health care and other basic social services. 中国大城市里的农民工们无法接受公共教育,享受卫生保健及其它基本社会保障。