- The book is compiled for foreign students with basic Chinese knowledge to improve their listening comprehension competence. 本书是为具备一定汉语基础的留学生编写的中级听力教程。
- basic Chinese knowledge 语文基础知识
- Basic Chinese is enough to work in our company, you should apply. 在我们公司工作,掌握基本的中文就足够了,你应该申请这份工作。
- AYes, a bit.She's not perfect, but she can speak basic Chinese. 是的,会一点。她说得不是非常好,但是她能说一些基本的话。
- The basic Chinese old-age insurance system combines mutual assistance programs with personal accounts. 中国的基本养老保险制度实行社会统筹与个人账户相结合的模式。
- Part Five analyzed the process, the strategy and the method of the transform from Implicit Chinese Knowledge into Capability. 第五部分从实践的角度分析了语文隐性知识向能力转化的过程、策略和方法。
- The basic Chinese word is monosyllable which consists of a consonant and a vowel. There are about 402 such units. 这是说,基础的汉语词汇一般为单音节词,由一个声母与一个韵母结合发声。一共有差不多402个这样的音节组合。
- Can say none exaggeratively, deng Xiaoping is Chinese knowledge economy those who talk is great the person that lay a foundation. 可以毫不夸张地说,邓小平是中国知识经济论的伟大奠基者。
- To have a good understanding of what has happened and what will happen in China, it is absolutely necessary to know the basic Chinese values. 要正确把握中国已经发生和将要发生的事情,需要了解中国人民的基本价值观念。
- Cosmopolite contemporary Chinese yard villas, 208 international distinguished personages' honorable mansions, contemporary Chinese knowledge wealth class's life circle. 属于世界的当代中国院落别墅,208席国际名流尊邸,当代中国知识财富阶层的生活圈。
- When we learn the original, evolutive, and current meaning of more than 200 basic Chinese character through some images of evolvement of. 通过汉子的演变,了解200多个基础汉字的原意、演变意义和现在的意思,在学汉字的时候,了解中国的文化。
- The powder of WEINING is primarily composed of four basic Chinese traditional medicine,that is costusroot\,asarum\,Fourstamen stephania root and common bletilla tuber. 胃宁散方中由青木香、辽细辛、汉防已、白芨为基础药物组成,根据临床常见证型不同加减治疗。
- To all students, your WSQ Provide basic Chinese Massage certificate is ready for collection from 24th March, please bring your IC and call before you come. 各位同学,请注意从3月24日开始可以领取,你们考取的国家技能发展局颁发的"WSQ中式推拿"证书,记得带你的身份证。下来之前请打电话与我们预约。
- The new Chinese Curriculum Standard proposed not to strive for the system and integrity of Chinese knowledge sedulously.This viewpoint evoked an argument in Chinese educational field. 语文课程标准提出了不宜刻意追求语文知识的系统和完整的观点引起了语文教育界的争论,语文知识再一次成为关注的焦点,也成为不可回避的理论问题。
- The article studies the Chinese CROs which are booming with the advantage of Chinese knowledge cost competition and the developing international pharmaceutical R&D outsourcing industry. 本文研究了在全球制药行业中新药研发业务外包市场日益扩大的国际环境下、以中国具有竞争力的知识成本优势而迅猛发展起来的中国CRO(合同研究组织)。
- Complementing the Complete Works of Chinese Classics, the 1,800-volume book has collected almost all important classics and records before 1911, contributing to the construction of a large stack room of basic Chinese classics and records. 它与《四库全书》配套,构筑起一座中华基本典籍的大型书库,将中国1911年以前的重要典籍基本收录进去。
- Courses are organized according to needs and preferences and may include Basic Chinese, Chinese Music, Chinese Painting, Chinese Martial Arts, Scenery of Hunan, General Chinese Culture, and other special topics. 根据需要开设基础汉语、中国音乐、中国画、中国武术、潇湘览胜、中国文化概论等。
- This book features 2,200 basic Chinese words which includes all characters grade 5 students in China should learn. The book shows how to pronounce, write, and understand those words. In Chinese only. 本书选取了日常生活中最常用的2200个汉字,包括小学1-6年级学生必须学会的全部生字,以趣味性的编排引导读者读准字音,认识字形,掌握笔画,笔顺和字形结构。
- Basic Chinese phonetics and grammar are delt with in a way that best solves the specific difficulties of foreign learners.Each lesson is supplemented with a wide and varied selection of exercises. 1.本书所依据的是中国人所通用的,规范的、地道的现代汉语,首先介绍日常生活中最必需的、也是初学者在社会交际中急需掌握的活的语言材料。