- He had put up a basket on a pole in the back yard. 他在后院一根柱子上安一个球篮。
- Please hand the basket up to Father on the ladder. 请把篮子递给梯子上的父亲。
- Place the eggs gently in the basket. 把鸡蛋轻轻地放在篮子里。
- We carried the wounded man on a stretcher. 我们用担架抬这位伤员。
- Please set the eggs gently in the basket. 请把蛋轻轻地装进篮子里。
- A truck, tub, or basket used in a mine. 小矿车,柳条箩矿井中用的车、盆或筐
- Do not keep all the eggs in one basket. [谚]不要孤注一掷。
- Don't put all your eggs in one basket. 勿孤注一掷。
- This bamboo basket is my own work. 这只竹篮是我自己编的。
- The apples at the bottom of the basket are smaller. 篮子底部的苹果较小。
- She is picking over a basket of oranges. 她正在拣选一篮橘子。
- Mary came up to me, carrying a basket of apples. 玛丽提著一篮苹果向我走来。
- He wired the basket to the bicycle. 他用金属丝把篮子绑在脚踏车上。
- An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman. 救护车工作人员带来了一副担架抢救那位受伤的女子。
- basket stretcher 篮式担架
- Mr Stevenson walked into the house with a basket in his hand. 史蒂文森先生手拿着一个篮子走进了那幢房子。
- A glove stretcher makes gloves larger. 手套撑架可以把手套撑张得大些。
- It beats the Dutch how Jordan always makes a basket. 乔丹投篮百发百中,真令人叫绝。
- The man on the stretcher over me has a hemorrhage. 我上边那担架上的人在流血。
- The victim was supine on the stretcher. 受害者仰卧在担架上。