- Garbage at the stations will be collected for batch treatment. 车站的废弃物收集后集中处理;
- The passenger cars will be sealed. Garbage on the trains will be collected in plastic bags which will be handed over to stations along the plateau for batch treatment. 客车采用封闭式车体,车上垃圾装袋,运至高原下交车站集中处理。
- Solid waste from construction sites and trash from camp sites must be sorted out and recycled whenever possible. Waste and trash that cannot be degraded should be moved to appropriate places for batch treatment. 施工固体废物和营地生活垃圾分类收集,可回收成分尽量回收,不可降解成分运至环保条件允许的地点集中处理。
- The second batch of sugar is better than the first. 第二批制成的糖比第一批好。
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- The accountant sign a batch of cheque. 会计签发的一批支票。
- He will not sit down under such treatment. 我不应再忍受好如此的礼遇。
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他们对待妇女的方式恶劣得难以言表。
- My personal letters got muddled up with a batch of circulars. 我的私人信件和一批通知混在一起了。
- His treatment of her was beyond endurance. 他这样对待她是无法忍受的。
- His treatment of his wife is outrageous. 他对待妻子十分蛮横。
- Nobody gets preferential treatment in this office! 本办事处无论对谁均一视同仁!
- A batch of mail dispatched at one time by a sender. 由邮递员同时分送的一批邮件
- I don't like her lofty treatment of her visitors. 我不喜欢她对来访者的高傲态度。
- He is in a bad way after treatment. 经过治疗他尚未痊愈。
- I hate to be given the silent treatment. 我讨厌遭受无言的冷遇。
- I tried every treatment the doctor suggested. 我试遍了医生建议的每一种疗法。
- He varies the treatment according to circumstances. 他根据情况,变换治疗方法。
- He was dissatisfied at getting no better treatment. 他对于得不到更好的待遇感到不满。
- Such cruel treatment was unlooked-for. 那样残酷的待遇真是意外。