- Braking types of battery powered truck and the friction braking materials 电机车制动类型及摩擦制动材料
- Connect yellow lead to battery power supply of car. 连接黄色导线到汽车的电池电源。
- Low power consumption longevity for battery powered devices. 低电能的消耗。
- It may influence GPS sensitivity If battery power weak. 电池弱电状态时;会影响本机的定位性能及接收感度.
- Using backlight while on battery power will substantially reduce battery life. 当在电池电源下使用背景灯,将大大减低电池使用时间。
- There is no logic linking memory size and battery power consumption together. 将文件大小直接和耗电量联系起来是缺乏逻辑的。
- Accordingly, the battery power can be used more efficiently or effectively. 相应地,可以更有效地或有效地使用电池功率。
- Walk-behind battery powered scrubber-drier with disc brushes for basic cleaning, maintenance cleaning and polishing; capacity up to 2,780 sq.m/h. 手推式盘刷型洗地吸干机,可用于地面的基本清洁,地面维护和抛光等。洗地效率达2780平米/小时。
- Don't squander resources on levity. Don't use your laptop's battery power for graphics, music or watching DVDs. 不要把电池里的电浪费到无关紧要的事情上。别在只能靠电池供电的情况下在电脑上画图、听音乐和看DVD。
- It's like being a battery powered robot, just doing what you have to do, day after day,” Wang said. 就像一个装电池的机器人一样,只管做你必须做的事,一天接一天,”王凤说道。
- Walk-behind battery powered scrubber-drier with disc brushes for basic cleaning, maintenance cleaning and polishing; capacity up to2,780 sq. m/ h. 手推式盘刷型洗地吸干机,可用于地面的基本清洁,地面维护和抛光等。洗地效率达2780平米/时。
- Short-circuit and reverse connection of the battery power terminal, will be protected. 具有可靠的短路、反接保护功能。
- A change in the power status of the computer is detected, such as a switch from battery power to A C. 检测到计算机电源状态的更改,如从电池电源切换到交流电源。
- Find out whether or not a laptop is running on battery power and if so how much battery time is remaining. 测定手提式电脑是否在使用电池运行,并且测试出它的剩于电池量。
- Disconnect the power adapter with the computer on and start using it with battery power. 在电脑打开的情况下断开电源适配器,并开始使用电池的电量。
- Powerful trucks are used for heavy hauls. 有马力的卡车用在沉重的拖拉。
- The stretchers operate on battery power and lift patients, so paramedics do not have to hoist patients into ambulances. 那担架为电池电源和升降病人作手术、所以护理人员不必升起病人变成救护车。
- Develop power electronic circuits, analog circuitry and digital circuitry in the battery power products. 负责电池电源产品中电力电子电路及模拟和数字电路的开发及设计。
- A temporary power source used as a non-interrupting back up when conventional power source has failed. Usually battery powered. 在常规电源出现故障时使用的不间断备份临时电源。通常以电池作为电源。
- When find battery power down during use, please switch off the device to avoid overdischarge. 25电池使用时发现功率下降;请关闭用电器开关以防止电池过放.