- bazooka balum 导线平衡-不平衡变换装置
- The soldier knocked out two enemy tanks with his bazooka. 那士兵用火箭炮击毁敌人两部坦克车。
- He knocked out an enemy tank with his bazooka. 他用火箭微摧毁了辆敌军的坦克。
- He knocked out an enemy tank with his bazooka . 他用火箭炮摧毁了一辆敌军的坦克。
- Let's pull out the bazooka and be done with it. 让我们拿出重型武器火箭炮,一举将恶魔彻底消灭掉。
- The soldier knocked outtwo enemy tanks with his bazooka. 那士兵用火箭炮击毁敌人两部坦克车。
- A good devil A Christmas, but we love the weapons. But Bazooka! 好一个魔鬼圣诞节阿,而且,我们圣诞老人的武器可是。
- An American bazooka team set the German weapon afire, and M/Sgt. 伯托尔多军士长被弹片击中倒地,其他人也受了重伤。
- A couple of bazooka rounds hit the Tiger, but only bounced off. 两发巴祖卡火箭打中虎式,但只是弹开了。
- It is time for Mr Paulson to show what he, and his bazooka, are made of. 现在是时候检验保尔森先生以及他的火箭炮的真材实料了。
- Panzershreks, Recoiless Rifles, Bazooka's Accuracy vs Infantry reduced to 25% from 35%. Accuracy vs Sniper reduced to 5% from 35%. 火箭筒、反器材步枪、巴祖卡对步兵的精度从35%25降低到25%25。对狙击手的精度从35%25降低到5%25。
- A lot of weapons such as shotguns, bazooka, razor, machine guns are available in the game. 很多武器譬如猎枪, 火箭筒, 剃刀, 机枪是可利用的在比赛。
- All of which argues in favour of the bazooka option, nationalisation, as the only one that is fair to the taxpayer. 所有这些争论都赞成火箭炮选择(将其国有化)是唯一对纳税人公平的选择。
- Panzers penetrated the villages, only to be driven back by American Shermans and bazooka teams.The line held. 德军坦克打算攻进村子,但是却被美军的谢尔曼坦克和巴祖卡火箭炮击退,战线陷入了胶着。
- The panzerfaust launched a bomb that was bigger and better designed than the bazooka's, with greater penetrating power. “铁拳”火箭筒所发射弹头比巴祖卡更大、设计更出色,穿透力因之更强。
- He took off cross-country and made it, after almost getting blasted by a bazooka round. 他穿越田野飞快地跑,差点被一发巴祖卡火箭弹炸到。
- An unknown GI dashed out of his foxhole, took bazooka from a dead soldier, and engaged two German tanks. 一个不知姓名的美军士兵蹿出藏身的散兵坑,从一个牺牲士兵那里抄起巴祖卡火箭筒,与两辆德军坦克交手。
- Drive a 4x4 vehicle or a Sherman tank and use a wide range of weapons (bazooka, sniper rifle, machine guns, etc. 驾驶四驱越野车或谢尔曼坦克和使用各种武器(火箭筒,狙击步**,机**等)
- As it rounded a curve on the road as it wound its way down to the river, a bazooka team bushwhacked it. 它在公路上蛇行运动,就在蜿蜒接近萨尔姆河时,一个巴祖卡小组伏击了它。
- US Bazooka penetration reduced vs Panzer Elite Hetzer front armour. Rear penetration modifier increased marginally. 美军巴祖卡对装甲精英追猎者正面装甲穿甲率降低,对尾甲穿甲率略微上升。