- My watch goes by fits and starts. 我的手表走走停停。
- Nothing worthwhile can be accomplished by fits and starts. 凭一时高兴,什么也做不好。
- She did everything by fits and starts, but stuck to nothing long. 她做事总是凭一时高兴,什么事都干不长。
- Youth only recognizes age by fits and starts. 青春只是偶尔认识老年。
- The radio works by fits and starts. 这收音机时好时坏。
- He worked on his book by fits and starts. 他偶尔写一写他的书。
- He always does things by fits and starts. 他办事总是一阵风。
- By fits and starts,the old car finally got us to town. 这辆老汽车停停开开,总算把我们送进了城。
- She did everything by fits and starts,but stuck to nothing long. 她做事总是凭一时高兴,什么事都干不长。
- Jones works by fits and starts and lacks continuity in endeavor. 琼斯做事三天打鱼,两天晒网,不够努力坚持。
- By fits and starts, the old car finally got us to town. 这辆老汽车停停开开,总算把我们送进了城。
- As you may know that most people in China learn English by fits and starts. 正如你所知道的,中国大多数人学习英语都是忽冷忽热。
- He'd been trying to learn Spanish for three years,but I tell him it's no use studying by fits and starts. 3年来,他一直在学习西班牙语,但我对他说断断续续地学习是学不到什么的。
- The study of a foreign language is continuous, and not to be pursued by fits and starts. 学习外语要持之以恒,不能时断时续。
- By fits and starts or in fits and starts With irregular intervals of action and inaction; intermittently. 一阵阵地,间歇地无规则的行动和静止的交换;间歇地。
- I have been working at the book by fits and starts during the past five or six years. 近五六年来我一直断断续续地写这本书。
- In the Revolution of July, as in all progress accomplished by fits and starts, there had been secret fractures;these riots rendered them perceptible. 七月革命,和其他连连突击而得来的进步一样,造成不少潜在的骨折,暴动触痛了这些暗伤。
- The writing itself is no doubt a strange hodgepodge, having been jotted down by fits and starts, over a period of nine months or more. 文体大概很杂乱,因为是或作或辍,经了九个月之多。
- He did the work by fits and snatches. 他断断续续地做这工作。
- Because of other commitments I can only write my book in fits and starts. 因为我有其他的事要做,所以这本书只能时写时辍。