- His walking stick was carved with a horse's head. 他的手杖上雕刻着一个马头。
- This small boat was carved with from ivory. 这是只小船用象牙雕的.;正
- These eave tiles are carved with many animal pictures. 这些瓦当上都刻有各种各样的动物图案。
- The pillars in those ancient palaces are carved with curling dragons. 那些古代宫殿的柱子上,全都雕刻着蟠龙。
- The cliffs in Dengkou County, Inner Mongolia, are carved with human face designs. 内蒙古阴山磴口县莫勒赫图沟崖壁上刻有许多人面形,
- They show variety of expression and the drapery was carved with refined and consummate skill . 他们各有神情,对动态的刻画,对服饰衣纹的处理,技巧娴熟自如。
- Teeth board was carved with flower veins , three bended legs were carved with luckiness cloud veins. 牙板透雕缠枝花卉纹;三弯腿雕如意云纹装饰,外翻涡纹足落于花形托泥之上与座面相互映衬。
- They show variety of expression and the drapery was carved with refined and consummate skill. 他们各有神情,对动态的刻画,对服饰衣纹的处理,技巧娴熟自如。
- The statue was carved out of marble. 这座雕像是用大理石雕刻的。
- This is a well carved netsuke that features a cicada insect.Its wings are carved with great detail.If faces the stem end of thin leaf. 我司产品目录网页 及昆虫图案悬锤页面只列明我司部分出口产品,我司可提供更多种类的产品,但无法全部列在网页上。
- Some are carved with geometric features and adorned with cowry shells, coins, metal strips, fiber, leather, and metal or multi-coloured bead necklaces. 有一些被制作成几何容貌并且佩带着贝壳,古币,金属条,纤维物质,皮革和多金属或多色的珍珠项链。
- The seals are so beautiful and two among them were carved with related poems carved on its sides. They are truly precious. 这些印是那么的庄严而且其中两个刻有相关的诗文在其侧。它们真的很珍贵。
- Since the bottle gourd is regarded as an auspicious symbol, some of Chung's gourds are carved with Chinese characters meaning good fortune and same are painted vermillion. 图3、4:葫芦是吉祥如意的象徵,钟盛加工的葫芦,有原色的、刻字雕花的,也有上釉、喷朱红漆的,全都散发出一种古朴、祥瑞的气息。
- The paint table was made of rosewood , the table face was enchased with single board , teeth board was carved with bending lines and the clouding lines below. 画案红木制成,桌面攒框镶独板,抹边素面,牙板上雕拐子纹,下雕云雷纹,三弯腿,起阳线,卷云纹足。
- It is a fowl which needs to be carved. 这是需要切分的鸡禽。
- The statue was carved (out of stone). 这座像是(用石头)雕刻的。
- Cave 16th, and four behind the Yungang cave is the first cut of "Five Tan Yao cave," Cave-shaped oval in the middle Angiopteris remain the main Buddha, the walls are carved with qianfoensis shrines. 第十六窟,与后面四窟是云冈最早开凿的“昙曜五窟”,窟形椭圆,中间主佛立于莲座上,周壁雕有千佛与佛龛。
- In addition to film people, there are carved with animals, rocks flowers, Bao Mirage account, pavilions,yu bie strange sea, immortal demon ghost, a few cases, such aszhuo deng props, backdrops. 除影人外,内中还有雕刻的飞禽走兽,山石花卉,金殿宝帐,亭台楼阁,鱼鳖海怪,神仙鬼妖,案几桌凳等道具、布景。
- Many adornments were carved on the temple walls. 寺院的墙壁上刻著很多装饰物。