- The inquiry was critical of her work. 该项调查对她的工作提出了批评。
- Don't be critical of him; he is a beginner. "不要对他挑剔,他是初学者。"
- Don't be critical of him, for he is a beginner. 不要对他挑剔,他是个初学者。
- She had made up her mind to be critical. 她打定主意要找岔儿。
- It is much easier to be critical than to be correct. 批评家比保持正确容易得多。
- You seem to be critical of the chairman's political initiatives. 你似乎对主席政治上的积极行动持批评态度。
- You want your way, and can be critical of any authority. 你只要你的方式,进而可以批判任何权威。
- Surely all management studies should be critical in a sense. 当然,所有管理学在一定程度上是批判的。
- FTs can be critical in those close games in the playoffs. 在季后赛中,对于比分咬得很紧的比赛来说,罚球时非常关键的环节。
- It is difficult enough to be critical of our own mistakes. 对我们自己的错误采取批评的态度确实非常困难。
- The singer was criticized for her poor phrasing. 她演唱歌曲时乐句划分失当受到批评。
- His realistic novel was criticized by some people. 他的现实主义小说遭到了一些人的批判。
- Her help was critical (ie of great importance) during the emergency. 在紧急的情况下她的援助至为重要。
- He does not like to be criticized. 他不喜欢受到批评。
- In meetings she always takes the offensive before she can be criticized. 在会上,她不等别人批评她而总是先发制人。
- She was critical to the point of rudeness. 她挑剔得近乎无礼。
- His condition is reported as being critical. 据说他的病情危殆。
- Do you think you can not be criticized? 你是不是认为你自己无可批评吗?
- The action of the ruling junta have been criticized in the press. 掌权的政协委员务会的行为已在报上受到批评。
- And being critical does supply a jolt of energy. 批评的态度的确提供一股能量。