- The pillow has agglomerate, uneven phenomenon, and the peculiar smell that filler has be affected with damp be affected with damp. 枕头有结块、凹凸不平的现象,且填充物有受潮的异味。
- Accordingly, when cany furniture be affected with damp be affected with damp, the attention does not want those who let it to braid form go out of form, so dry hind, can contract its dimension before. 因此,当藤家具受潮时,注重不要让它的编织外形走样,这样干燥后,便会收缩到它原来的尺寸。
- The packed products can prevent oxidizing, mildewing, being eaten into, being affected with damp;also can keep a good quality and fresh to last the storage time limit of the new products. 经过包装后的产品可防止氧化、霉变、受潮、可保质、保鲜、延长产品的储存期。
- The packed products can prevent oxidizing, mildewing, being eaten into, being affected with damp; also can keep a good qualityfresh to last the storage time limit of the new products. 经过包装后的产品可防止氧化、霉变、受潮、可保质、保鲜、延长产品的储存期。
- Especially regarding the encirclement wooden woodware's and so on around the keel which, big circuit board easy to be affected with damp electric wires, should pay attention to this point. 尤其对于环绕在易受潮的木龙骨、大芯板等木制品周围的电线,更应注意这一点。
- To be affected with pleasurable excitement. 受愉快的刺激影响。
- To affect or be affected with panic. 使恐慌,受恐慌影响
- Youngsters will also be affected with this social climate. 青少年也会受到影响,与此社会风气。
- Sometimes could be affected with an word,because of bona fides. 有时候会被一句话感动,因为真诚。
- The child was affected with high fever. 孩子发高烧了。
- He was affected with high fever . 他发高烧。
- He was affected with high fever. 他发高烧。
- The city was affected with plagues . 这个城市受到时疫的侵袭。
- The packed new products can prevent oxidizing, mildewing, being eaten into, being affected with damp; 经过包装的新产品可防止氧化、霉变、蛀、受潮;
- The packed new products can prevent oxidizing, mildewing, being eaten into, being affected with damp; 经过包装的新产品可防止氧化、黴变、蛀、受潮;可保质,保鲜延长新产品储存期限。
- Specifically, because these materials affected with damp swelling deformation in the dry season it is easy to appear parch and split phenomenon. 具体说来就是,由于这些材料受潮膨胀变形,在干燥季节就容易出现干裂现象。
- be affected with damp 受潮
- Mainly the gyri are affected with hemorrhage from contusions and lacerations. 脑回挫裂伤引起出血。
- Secondly, in the course of handling, do not let rainwater directly affected with damp or wet plate, stowage, to maintain materials in indoor ventilation is good. 其次,在搬运过程中,不要让雨水淋湿板材或直接受潮,在室内堆放时要保持材料的通风良好。
- In France alone, more than a million people are affected with some form of mental ailment. 仅在法国一个国家就有100 万以上的人患有某种类型的精神