- We were all in a sweat over the final exam. 我们都为期末考试焦急不安。
- Everyone was all in a twitter over the wedding. 为了筹备婚礼大家都忙得团团转。
- The things in the drawer were all in a jumble. 抽屉里的东西很杂乱。
- The things on the table were all in a muddle. 桌子上的东西杂乱无章。
- We are all in a corrupted world. 我们都身处浊世。
- The things on the table were all in a jumble. 桌子上的东西很杂乱。
- These young fellows are all in a flurry. 他们全都是一些毛毛楞楞的小伙子。
- We are all in a sweat over the final exam. 我们都为期末考试焦急不安。
- The traffic was all in a snarl near the accident. 事故发生处附近交通一片混乱。
- It looks as if they are all in a terrible hurry. 看上去他们极为匆忙。
- We were all in a twitter over the coming wedding. 我们个个都忙着筹备婚礼。
- The guys were all in a heap after the blast. 狂欢会之后,这帮哥儿们一个个都酩酊大醉了。
- She was all in a fluster at the thought of meeting the boss. 一想到要见老板,她就感到紧张。
- The dog was all of a tremble with cold. 这条狗冻得全身发抖。
- They are all in a secret vault somewhere, never to be heard! 它们都被放在某个秘密的保险箱里,没人会知道!
- "First," said Mr. Cruncher, who was all in a tremble, and who spoke with an ashy and solemn visage, "them poor things well out o' this, never no more will I do it, never no more!" “首先,”克朗彻先生全身发抖,说话时面如死灰,神情庄重,“只要那几个可怜的人能安全脱险,我以后就不再干那种事了,再也不干了
- be all in a tremble 浑身发抖; 万分紧张
- Injecting animals is all in a day's work for a vet. 给动物注射是兽医的日常工作。
- ' Trinket laughed.'It's not a flaw.No, no.It's just that it's so nice I'd be afraid ever to eat out of it.I'd be all in a tremble in case I dropped it and it smashed into a zillion pieces. 韦小宝笑道:“岔子是没有,就是太过名责,吃饭的时候捧在手里,有些战战兢兢,生怕一个不小心,打碎了饭碗,哈哈,哈哈。”
- We were all in a fog about the current situation at work. 我们都对这项工作的目前进展情况感到一头雾水。