- Genius is but one remove from insanity. 天才与疯狂之间只有毫厘之差。
- be but one remove from 与 ... 只有一线之隔
- Charlotte seemed to be living at one remove from reality. 夏洛特好像生活在现实之外的什么地方。
- I think there can be but one outcome to this affair. 我认为这件事只可能有一种结局。
- He is but one remove from me. 他和我仅隔着一代。
- His cruelty was only one remove from crime. 他的残忍在程度上仅次于犯罪。
- You will see that there can be but one outcome to this affair. 你会看到这件事只能有一种结果。
- Devotion to music I think there can be but one outcome to this affair. 我认为这件事只可能有一种结局。
- It was but one cry of admiration. 那真是一片赞美声。
- His present position lets him stay at one remove from the neighbours. 他的现任职务使他与邻居的关系保持着一定的距离。
- Shakespeare and England are but one. 莎士比亚与英吉利乃浑然而一。
- There was but one voice in her praise there. 那里对她是异口同声的赞扬。
- There was but one school in the village. 村里只有一所学校。
- They are not attached to the fruits of karma, and are but one step from Buddhahood. 他们不附上因果报应的果实,而只是成佛的一个台阶。
- Security concerns from renewed terrorist threats at home to rising military tension in the Middle East are but one potential cause of disruption. 安全问题是其中一个可能会引致金融市场受到干扰的潜在原因,这包括国内方面恐怖分子的威胁再现,以及中东地区军事形势日益紧张。
- Mankind was but one nation, but differed (later). Had it not been for a word that went forth before from thy Lord, their differences would have been settled between them. 人们原来是一个民族,嗣后,他们信仰分歧,假若没有一句话,从你主预先发出,那末他们所争论的是非,必定获得判决了。
- but one remove from 与…相隔不远
- And yet there was but one woman of dubious and questionable memory to him. 然而只有一个女人,还在他那模糊的成问题的记忆之中。
- If this Paroxysm of sorrow was to assail him again that night, there was but one place for him to be. 如果这一晚,这种排山倒海式的哀愁又要来折磨他,那他只有一个好地方可去。
- It would be better if there were but one inhabitant to a square mile, as where I live. 如果一英里只住一个人,像我这儿,那要好得多。