- The postpartum Chinese sturgeon mother can be keep alive above the situation breaking an abdomen fetching an ovum but being certain to die after laying, which has already been an extraordinary progress at present. 在其它大型鲟鱼类目前还处于破腹取卵而产后必死无疑的状况下,中华鲟产后亲鱼可以保活已经是了不起的进步。
- The right party are certain to be victorious. 正义的一方一定会胜利。
- Any substitute was certain to be worse. 任何替代肯定会稍逊一筹的。
- I am certain to be chided for my tardiness. 我看我肯定会被骂的。”
- He would be certain to find a better job if he looks hard enough. 如果他看起来再精明些,他肯定会找到一份更好的工作。
- You are certain to be happy with them. 跟他们在一起你肯定会感到快乐。
- You are certain to be received warmly. 你们会受到热情的接待。
- The duties before you are certain to be heavy. 摆在你面前的责任重大。
- We are certain to be victorious. 我们一定会胜利。
- We are certain to get there in time. 我们一定能及时到达那里。
- It is certain that they will agree/They are certain to agree. 他们肯定会同意。
- be certain to die 必死无疑
- There are certain to be more job losses further down the road. 将来有一天失业的肯定会更多。
- One of the passengers is grievously injured and is certain to die soon, but is fully alert and aware of everything that is going on. 其中有一名乘客伤势很重,不久一定会死去,但是他/她头脑很清楚,明白发生的一切。
- You are certain to be happy with any relative of Mrs. 你与穆尔夫人的哪一位亲属相处都肯定是很快乐的。
- You are certain to feel comfortable talking to a Libra. 和天秤座的人谈话,肯定会让你觉得很舒服。
- The outbreak of riot caused many people to die. 暴乱的发生使很多人丧生。
- Whatever argument he maintains,they are certain to oppose. 不管他持有什么论点,他们总是反对。
- With your dedication to work you are certain to go far. 你一心扑在工作上,定能出成果。
- It is as natural to die as to be born. 生死皆自然。有生必有死。