- Lands uninhabited are common to all. 没有主人的土地是任何人都能够占有的。
- A great interest in music was common to them. 他们对音乐都有着共同的强烈兴趣。
- Certain desires are common to all men. 某些欲望对所有的人是共有的。
- These mistakes are common to students. 这些都是学生共同的错误.
- These rocks are common to certain climate environments. 这些岩石是某些气候环境下常见的。
- Religious ideas are common to all cultures: like language and music, they seem to be part of what it is to be human. 宗教思想是人类文化的一大组成要素,如同语言和音乐,似乎已是生而为人不可缺少的一部分。
- Hong Kong's environmental problems are common to most developed communities. 香港正如大多数发展国家,存在各类环境问题。
- Class provides the methods and properties that are common to all button fields. 类提供由所有按钮字段公用的方法和属性。
- Most of the more complex emotions are common to the higher animals and ourselves. 大多数的比较复杂的情绪是各种高等动物和我们所共有的。
- Dining out is often felt to be common today. 在餐馆吃饭现在经常被人们感觉很普遍了。
- In fused-ring and bridged-ring compounds two carbons are common to the two rings. 在稠环和桥环化合物中,两个碳原子是两个环公用的。
- In this situation it is common to say that nothing can be done until law and order is restored. 一般来说在这种形势下,不恢复法律和秩序是什么也干不了的。
- This abstract class provides methods and properties that are common to authenticated streams. 此抽象类提供经过身份验证的流所共有的方法和属性。
- A fruity quality is common to all wine made from this grape. 用这种葡萄酿制的所有的葡萄酒有共同的醇味。
- The things he saw couldn't help being common when he had become common to look at them. 当他变得很平庸,去看一些东西时,他所看到的东西也不可能不是很平庸的了。
- Several actions, such as View Properties and Edit Properties, are common to all items that are stored in a library. 有些操作(例如“查看属性”和“编辑属性”)是存储在库中的所有项共有的操作。
- The types of events raised by an object vary, but many types are common to most controls. 对象引发的事件类型会发生变化,但对于大多数控件,很多类型是通用的。
- Some ritual items are common to almost every Wiccan tradition, such as the athame (ritual knife) and chalice (ritual cup). 一些宗教仪式条款几乎跟全部巫术崇拜差不多,例如圣刀(仪式刀)和圣杯(仪式杯子)。
- The main traditional element which was common to all Beltane festivals was the fire which gave it its name. 五朔节的主要传统要素是火,它贯穿于节日的所有活动中。节日的名称也源于此。
- Still others are common to only a subset of either the sequential or associative containers. 还有一些操作只适用于顺序或关联容器类型的一个子集。