- His works are comparable with the best. 他的作品可与最优秀的(作品)相比。
- A pencil is not to be compared with a ruler. 铅笔与尺大不相同。
- No friend can be comparable with health,no enemy whth discase. 没有一个朋友能够双得上健康,没有一个敌人双得上疾病。
- That old computer is not to be compared with this new computer. 那台老计算机没法和这台新计算机相比。
- Lots of gloomy love can never be comparable with getting drunk with you. 一杯愁绪,几段情缘,莫过与君酒当歌。
- Your achievements are comparable with his. 你的成绩可与他的相媲美。
- Social life in a village cannot be compared with that of a large city. 乡村的社会生活不能和大城市的相比。
- His achievements are comparable with the best. 他的成绩可与最优者相比。
- Your achievements are comparable with the best. 你们的成就可比得上最好的。
- She is not to be compared with you in wealth. 她的财产不能与你相比。
- This place cannot be compared with Naples. 这个地方不足以和那不勒斯相比。
- The present cannot be compared with the past. 今非昔比!
- My English cannot be compared with his. 我的英语不能和他的相比。
- I don't think you can be compared with him. 我认为你不能同他相比。
- This is not to be compared with that. 这是不能和那个比较的。
- Traditional equipment cannot be compared with it. 这是传统的锻炼器械无法比拟的。
- My knowledge is not to be compared with yours. 我的知识不能与你的相比。
- The amplitude of the hyperbola may be comparable with that of the associated reflection, or it may be less. 双曲线的振幅可能是和有关的反射相类似的,也可能要小一些。
- Lap, slow motion, the running athlete, his beautiful muscle can be comparable with the cheetah. 叠,慢镜,奔跑中的短跑运动员,肌肉运动的美感可与猎豹媲美;
- Mummies unearthed here (that is, Ganshi), the foot may be comparable with the Egyptian mummies. 这里出土的木乃伊(即干尸),足可与埃及木乃伊相媲美。