- I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day. 我讨厌终日被关在办公室里。
- He was confined within the four walls of an office all day. 他整天被关在办公室里。
- be confined within the problem 以这个问题为限
- This limitless love cannot be confined within a limited space; it is omnipresent. 这个无边的爱力,不能关在一个空间里面,是无所不在。
- I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day 我讨厌整天给关在办公室的小天地里。
- For one, quarks are confined within larger particles, so they cannot be separated and studied in isolation. 为一, 夸克被限制在更大的微粒之内, 因此他们无法被分离和被学习在隔离。
- After all,home is not confined within the walls of one's own flat. 家,并不局限在四堵墙以内。
- As we have learned, upgrade at present the problem appears in the process be confined to Euramerican market. 据了解,现在升级过程中出现问题的仅限于欧美市场。
- Manner of thought and logical flow of contamporary cybercrime reserch are confined within that of traditional crimes. 狭义的网络犯罪是指以网络本身为侵害对象的犯罪行为,包括“网络对象犯”,又称之为“纯正网络犯罪”。
- He kept his thoughts about the world confined within the familiar contours of the human body. 他把自己对世界的看法限制在了人体那些熟悉的曲线中。
- They appear to be able to handle the problem. 他们似乎可以处理这个问题。
- The thief was confined in a prison. 窃贼被关押在监狱里。
- The problem identified is within the scope of a B.A. degree paper. 所选问题在北外网院学士学位论文所规定的范围之内。
- Step must be taken to reduce the problem to manageable proportions. 必须采取措施将问题缩小到可控制的范围。
- The interregional expansion of an enterprise means the business of the enterprise is not confined within the original region but expand to different regions within a country. 企业跨区域扩张,简单理解是指企业在一国范围内跨越原有的生产经营活动空间,从一个地区向另一个地区的扩张行为。
- As punishment, the men were confined to barracks. 士兵受罚,不准离开营房。
- Be sure to keep the pagoda within the view-finder. 千万把那宝塔收在取景框内。
- I should hate to be confined in an office all day. 我讨厌整天关在办公室里。
- The scholars of Qing Dynasty, among whom Duan Yucai was, were puzzled by the problem of tone value because of their sight being confined to the Mandarin in North of China. 段玉裁等乾嘉大师在北系官话的背景下研究上古音,研究目光受到了局限,只有大类之别而为音值的探求所困扰。
- Will I be confined to the hospital? 会要我住院吗?