- Both sides are deeply concerned about the grave situation there. 双方都对那里的严重局势深为关心。
- He was deeply concerned about ordinary people's lives. 他是一个有很强人民性的画家
- Yet, we felt that Master was deeply concerned about the homeless flood victims in serious need of relief and comfort. 但一想到师父非常关切那些无家可归又急需物资的灾民,我们决定不顾一切前往,并祈求师父帮忙。
- The report also addresses domestic violence and the spokesman explained that the Government was deeply concerned about this. 报告亦提及家庭暴力,发言人解释政府对此亦非常关注。
- Officers in the force are deeply concerned about the fact that despite serious allegations having been made, no corresponding criminal prosecutions have been instituted to date. 廉署对警员作出严重指控,却至今仍未有提起刑事诉讼。警方对廉署的办事手法深表关注。
- The three-time world heavyweight boxing champion and his wife Lonnie said they were deeply concerned about a growing culture of violence among young people. 这位三次世界最具重量级拳击冠军和他的妻子Lonnie说他们非常关注年轻人关于恐怖事件的看法。
- Bellow was deeply concerned about these problems, and by revealing the various absurdities in life and society, tried to make make reassess the meaning of life. 贝娄对这些问题表现了极大的关注,试图在自己的作品中揭露社会与人生的种种荒谬,唤醒人类善良的天性,重新审视生存的真正含义。
- Officers in the force are deeply concerned about the fact that de ite serious allegatio having been made, no corre onding criminal prosecutio have been i tituted to date. 廉署对警员作出严重指控,却至今仍未有提起刑事诉讼。警方对廉署的办事手法深表关注。
- We discussed the Korean Peninsula, and I told the President that I was deeply concerned about a regime that is not transparent and that starves its people. 我们讨论了朝鲜半岛问题,我告诉江主席,我对一个不透明的、任其人民挨饿的政权深感关注。
- AFIC, ranked Rio's 12th largest investor in its Australian-listed shares with just under 1 per cent, said it was deeply concerned about Chinalco becoming involved in running the business. AFIC是力拓澳大利亚上市股票的第12大投资者,持股比例略低于1%25,该公司对中铝参与力拓的业务运营深表关切。
- He was deeply concerned at the news. 他对这个消息深感关心。
- show profound concern for; be deeply concerned about 深切关怀
- be deeply concerned about; show profound concern for 深切关怀
- The President is deeply concerned about this issue. 总统对这个问题深感担忧。
- One who is deeply concerned about the quality of community life. 深深关心公社生活质量的人
- They are deeply concerned for the collective. 他们非常关心集体。
- We are deeply concerned over the plight of the refugees . 我们对难民们的悲惨命运感到十分忧虑。
- They were deeply concerned over the mounting tension. 他们深深关怀日益加剧的紧张局势。
- Upon receiving news of Typhoon Nari, Master was deeply concerned about the situation, 师父对此次台风灾情非常关切
- 'We are deeply concerned about Chinalco becoming involved with the running of the business,' AFI said in a presentation to shareholders. AFI在发给股东的报告中说,我们对中铝公司可能介入力拓业务经营非常担忧。