- He was deep in conversation with his accountant. 他与会计深入交谈。
- He/ She could be deep in debt to maintain the facade. 他/为了撑起门面,可能正债台高筑。
- Romeo was deeply in love with Juliet. 罗密欧深深地爱上了朱丽叶。
- My newlywed wife and I are deeply in love. 我和我的新婚妻子彼此深爱着对方。
- be deeply in hock 在抵押; 在坐牢; 在监狱里; 欠一笔债务
- His face was deep in shadow, turned away from her. 他扭过头去背着她,脸冲着暗处。
- Thinking He was deep in thought. 他深入思考。
- He lay still in bed and was deep in thought. 他静静地躺在床上,陷入沉思。
- On the portrait, mother was deep in thought. 凝视着画像,妈妈陷入沉思。
- She was deep in discussion with her friends. 她正专心致志地和她的朋友们在讨论问题。
- He was deep in gloom because his girlfriend had gone away. 他深深地沉浸在忧伤中,因为他的女友离他而去了。
- The company was heavily in hock to the banks. 这家公司欠了银行大笔借款。
- We were deeply in debt, and we weren't making any money. 我们债台高筑,没有盈利。
- When he was young, he was deeply in love with a film star. 年轻的时候,他一直痴恋着一位电影明星。
- The boygirl are deeply in love with one another [each other]. 这男孩和女孩深深地相爱着。
- He was deep in gloom because his girlfriend had left him. 他深深地沉浸在忧伤中,因为他的女友离他而去了。
- Don was deep in conversation with the girl on his right. 唐与他右边的女孩在深入交谈。
- He was deep in meditation and didn't see me come in. 他正在沉思,没有看见我进来。
- I'm in hock to the tune of (ie I owe a total of) 5000. 我负债总数达5000英镑。
- He was deep in a book and she in a crossword puzzle. 他沉浸在书本中,而她在专心思考一个纵横字迷的难题。