- Her voice was drowned by the roar of the traffic. 她的说话声被车辆的轰鸣声压倒了。
- The fields and houses were drowned by the floods. 洪水淹没了田地和房屋。
- The crops were drowned by the heavy rainfall. 庄稼被滂沱大雨浸没了。
- All the fields were drowned by the floods. 所有的田地都被洪水淹没了。
- Nature's symphonic world was drowned by man's industrial cacophony. 大自然的和声世界被人类的工业噪音淹没了。
- be drowned by flood 被洪水淹没
- Our voices were drowned by the noise of the machinery. 我们的说活声被机器声淹没了。
- His voice was drowned by the coughing of the audience. 他的声音被听众的咳嗽声淹没了。
- Dudley's snores were drowned by the low rolls of thunder that started near midnight. 十分钟以后,他们已经拆掉被打死的门坐到了车子里,向高速公路开去。
- Harry tied to argue back but his words were drowned by a long, loud belch from the Dursley's son, Dedley. 哈利还试图争辩,但他的话被达斯利的儿子达力一声又长又响亮的饱嗝打断了。
- They were drowned by salt water, buried when they were still alive, or taken as food for the tigers and lions in the zoon. 它们或被水淹死,或被活埋,要不然还会送去动物园成为老虎狮子的耳食。
- The mine was drowned out by the recent flood. 最近这次洪水淹没了那个矿井。
- I felt like I was drown by the horrible life taking sound ---- stifling horror... 我觉得自己快被这声音给淹没了----令人窒息的恐惧...
- The transit was damaged by flood. 运输线被洪水破坏了。
- During this time,blood was drown by way of tail vein at the end of every month for dyn amic determination of TC,TG,HDL-c,LDL-c,Ca 2+ ,Mg 2+ and MDA. 实验终期大鼠股动脉采血后宰杀 ,测定血脂 (TC、TG、HDL -c、LDL -c)、Ca2 + 、Mg2 + 、MDA等血液生化学指标。
- Most of Her pomelos (some kind of fruit) were blow out by typhoon. But we are ok. There are hundreds people drown by floods in southern part of Taiwan. Wish God bless them. 遭逢风灾,妈妈的文旦掉了大半,一颗一颗剥著地上捡回来的文旦。忽然发现妈妈的白发似乎长了许多。
- He went swimming by the sea only to be drowned. 他到海边去游泳,结果却被淹死了。
- When Richard Pearson, Serapis's commander, returned to England, criticism for his defeat was drowned by the enormous praise for his generally heroic conduct. 塞拉皮斯号指挥官理查.皮尔逊回到英格兰,虽然因败北受到一些批评,但他临阵英勇,赢得热烈推许,把批评的声音都淹没了。
- The fields had been submerged by flood water. 农田被洪水淹没了。
- The broken wall was submerged by flood water. 这面断墙被洪水淹没了。