- Many improvements are embodied in the new edition. 新版中收录了许多改良之处。
- These principles are embodied in the UN charter. 这些原则都具体呈现在联合国宪章里。
- These proposals are embodied in the act. 这些建议被纳入了《行为条例》中。
- The people's rights are embodied in the laws. 法律体现了人民的权利。
- Many improvement are embodied in the new car. 这部新车有许多改良的地方。
- These proposals were embodied in the Industrial Relations Act. 这些建议在《劳资关系条例》中得到了体现。
- The fundamental ones are embodied in the Party Constitution. 党章是最根本的党规党法。
- In our country,the people's rights are embodied in the laws. 在我国,人民的权利在法律中得到了体现。
- When I think of him, all my masters are embodied in him. 当我想到他时,我的所有上师都化现于他身上。
- In our country, the people's rights are embodied in the laws. 在我国,人民的权利在法律中得到了体现。
- The experiments of ten scientists were embodied in the report. 十位科学家的试验情况收入了那份报告。
- These proposal be embody in the act . 这些建议被纳入了《行为条例》中。
- The right to suspend may be embodied in the contract of employment by express or implied incorporation. 停职权可通过明示或暗示一并纳入雇佣契约内。
- Thirdly, the work and acceptation using in paraphrase should be embodied in dictionary. 第三,释义所用词语词义应尽可能是词典所收词语词义。
- Some people say cultures are embodied in buildings and collections. 有人说,文化是通过建筑、珍藏等反映出来的。
- Labor contract is a kind of contract and liability for culpa in contrahendo should be embodied in labor legislation. 劳动合同也是合同的一种,缔约过失责任也应在劳动立法中得以体现。
- The concepts described above are embodied in the junction transistor. 上述各种概念都反映在结型晶体管中。
- The characteristic was embodied in the spread and development of Shiah in Iran. 伊斯兰教在伊朗的地方化和民族化的特点集中体现在什叶派在伊朗的传播和发展上。
- Fire was embodied in the sun and in its symbol the uraeus which spit fire. 太阳和这个符号具体表达了火,(古埃及帝王头饰上的)蛇形标记喷吐火。
- Past expectations, which have not yet worked themselves out, are embodied in the to-day's capital equipment. 过去预期之尚未充分展开其影响者,已定形于今日资本设备中。