- The swimmer was entangled in seaweed. 游泳者被海草缠住了。
- The birds were entangled in the coils of a net. 鸟被缠在网圈里了。
- The birds are entangled in the coil of a net. 鸟被缠在网圈里了。
- I am doomed to be entangled and lingered by love all my life. 我注定是一辈子缠绵纠缠。
- Suddenly she was entangled in the seaweed. 突然间她被海草缠住了。
- He was entangled with a shady character. 他和一个可疑人物有牵连。
- Once Mathur Babu was entangled in a lawsuit. 有一次,马图尔陷入了一场诉讼里面。
- It looks as if he has been entangled with the bad woman. 看来他与那个坏女人有来往。
- They will be entangled among thorns and drunk from their wine; they will be consumed like dry stubble. 你们像丛杂的荆棘,像喝醉了的人,又如枯乾的碎秸全然烧灭。
- I am sorry that she was entangled with that worthless young man. 我很遗憾,她竟跟那个没出息的男青年交往。
- The ropes were entangled so I was not able to untie the parcel. "绳子缠在一起了,所以我没能解开包裹。"
- Happiness and pain. Love and dislike. All are entangled always. 快乐与疼痛;爱与否爱.;总是不停纠缠织交
- For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in. 法老必说,以色列人在地中绕迷了,旷野把他们困住了。
- I got out of it with more dexterity than when I was entangled with the dull measures of other people. 我也能巧妙地逃脱出来,比起和别人牵连在一起的时候,就方便得多了。
- Their oars are entangled, As they cut through the duckweed, And girls with slender waists Turn to gaze behind them. 从诗歌里可以约略知道。采莲的是少年的女子,她们是荡着小船,唱着艳歌去的。采莲人不用说很多,还有看采莲的人。
- Peacock symbolism is money. Hero hearts have been entangled with the peacock, that he did not want their own look. 孔雀的象征意义是金钱。主人公心里面一直与孔雀纠缠,那并不是他所希望的自己的样子。
- As long as you live in this world, you are entangled with suffering, never casting off it. 只要你还是生在这个世界,痛苦就会不断的纠缠着你,让你永远不得脱生。
- Their oars are entangled, As they cut through the duckweed,And girls with slender waists Turn to gaze behind them. 可见当时申购新股的光景了。这真是烧钱的事,可惜我们现在早已无钱消受了。
- Gal. 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not be entangled with a yoke of slavery again. 加五1基督释放了我们,叫我们得以自由;所以要站立得住,不要再受奴役的轭挟制。
- Birgitta Whaley at the Berkeley Center for Quantum Information and Computation and pals say this can only happen if the chromophores are entangled. 你们自己不会做学问,就让学生跟踪高档学术刊物,人家做什么,你们就做 什么。