- In other cases, you must be explicit about the parts of an identifier for a reference to work. 在其他情况下,要使引用发挥作用,必须明确指出标识符的各个部分。
- It would be unworldly to expect a government on the eve of an election to be explicit about its intended cuts, and the depths of a recession are not the place to wield the axe anyway. 但是期待政府在选举前认真斟酌其所提出的减少开支是不切实际的,同时大萧条时期也不能任由其作为。
- She was quite explicit about why she left. 她对自己离去的原因直言不讳。
- Use Sense; You can be explicit about the desired scoping 你也可以用你想要的作用域来声明
- She is not explicit about what she really fells. 她不能坦言她的真实感情。
- References to default collections must be explicit. 对默认集合的引用必须是显式的。
- Conversion operators can be explicit or implicit. 转换运算符可以是explicit,也可以是implicit。
- She is not explicit about what she really feels. 她不能坦言她的真实感情。
- But here you need to be explicit. 但是此处您需要明确指出。
- She was quite explicit about why she had left. 她对自己离开的原因直言不讳。
- He was quite explicit about the matter. 他对此事的态度十分明确。
- Nor will such behaviour as this ever induce me to be explicit. 而且这种态度也休想把我逼供出来。
- And so if we think about this entire process, we need to be more explicit about how this model works. 而且因此如果我们想这个整个的程序,我们需要更露骨有关如何这个样板的工厂。
- An AD should be explicit in addressing these stakeholders. 架构描述必须显示的提到这些利益相关人。
- Our enemies are quite explicit about their intentions. 我们的敌人具有十分明确的意图。
- They were explicit in their criticism. 他们直截了当地表达了他们的批评
- If you are not explicit about form, aesthetics will operate by subterfuge. 如果你对形式含含糊糊,美学将会是敷衍了事。
- This lady might have thought injurious without being explicit. 这位夫人可能会认为是一种隐晦曲折的中伤。
- to be explicit about sth 对某事直言不讳
- The scope, time limit and organizational procedures for checking of properties shall be explicit and clear. 财产清查的范围、期限和组织程序应当明确;