- The child was fascinated with his new toy. 那孩子对他的新玩具着了迷。
- Why the Americans Are Fascinated with Guns? 美国人为什么喜欢枪支?
- B: I am fascinated with the English language. 因为我迷上了英语。
- He was fascinated with her beauty. 他被她的美貌迷住了。
- I am fascinated with local Beijing culture. 我非常喜欢京味儿文化。
- We children were fascinated with the construction process. 我们小孩对房子的建筑过程着了迷。
- Jane was fascinated with the man playing jazz at the pub. 简非常迷恋哪个在酒吧里演奏爵士乐的男子。
- Bingley fancied the world was fascinated with its glitter. 宾利相信,它的光彩足以使全世界着迷。
- And last, I am fascinated with Chinese culture and with these kids! 最后,我对中国文化和中国孩子非常入迷!
- The tourists were fascinated with the exquisite scenery. 游客对于这瑰丽的景色非常著迷。
- I am fascinated with the beautiful scenery of foreign lands. 方外的美景让我十分向往。
- Bingley fancied the world was fascinated with its glitter . 宾利相信,它的光彩足以使全世界着迷。
- Since recorded time, man has been fascinated with music and the hardware of sound reproduction. 有史记载以来,人类一直痴迷于音乐,痴迷于复制音乐的音响设备。
- Many people are fascinated with Frida Kahlo's artwork because of emotional background. 很多人着迷于Frida Kahlo的艺术作品,因为它们的感情背景。
- A number of boys and girls are fascinated with love of Internet and talk about love affairs brassily. 三是网上交友使人沉迷,不少网上聊天室“空气”污浊,一些少男少女热衷网恋,放言男欢女爱之事;
- At that time, I was fascinated with the metal-insulator transition as envisioned7 by Mott. 那时,我对莫特设想的金属-绝缘体的过渡理论着迷。
- Yellow and purple are eye-catching, while cool blue is leisurely in sunshine. We are fascinated with color reasonably in the shining season. 诱惑一:色彩魅力明黄、粉紫强烈冲击你的视觉,沉着冷静的兰色在阳光下低吟轻唱,呵呵,在这个明媚的季节里,我们好色有度!
- Bey Logan:My first question is why have the Hong Kong people been fascinated with "geung si", with vampires for so many years since the first film, now the TV series. 我的第一问题是为什么从第一部僵尸题材的电影直到现在这么多年,香港人民还是对于"僵尸"这类题材的电影是如此强烈的入迷呢?
- Local citizen of Nanjing were fascinated with the distinct products presented by more than 50 companies of Cholla-Bukdo and the South Korean traditional cate, music and dance etc. 展览展示了韩国全罗北道50多家企业的产品以及韩国传统美食、音乐、舞蹈、风光,吸引了众多南京市民前来参观。
- I have been fascinated with the Rok as a graphical platform for some time and have been experimenting with North West Coast Indian art on the Rok. 我一直着迷韩国作为一个图形化平台了一段时间,一直在试验与朝鲜西海岸的印度艺术就韩国。