- He was fit as a fiddle when he came back from abroad. 他从国外回来时身体很好。
- Though Aunt Marge is now in the hospital, she'll soon be fit as a fiddle. 虽然玛姬阿姨现在住院,但她很快就会康复。
- I felt as fit as a fiddle after my walking holiday. 我经过假期徒步旅行,身体极好。
- That old man is nearly ninety but fit as a fiddle. 那老者年近九旬,但身体十分硬朗。
- Fit as a fiddle and ready for love. 健康无比,渴望爱情。
- Yes, and I'm now as fit as a fiddle. 是的,现在我很健康。
- I felt as fit as a fiddle after a hot bath. 洗完热水澡感到全身舒畅。
- I feel as fit as a fiddle after my walking holiday. 我经过假期徒步旅行, 身体极好。
- He is eighty years old and fit as a fiddle. 要是让我翻译,很容易翻译成“他80岁了还很适合拉小提琴”.
- I was 47 years old and felt as fit as a fiddle. 我四十七岁,身体感觉很好。
- To be a good soccer player one must be as fit as a fiddle. 要成为一个足球运动员必须很强壮。
- He is fit as a fiddle when he comes back from abroad. 他从国外回来时身体很好。
- I'm not sick; on the contrary, I'm as fit as a fiddle. 我没有病;恰恰相反,我的身体棒极了。
- What do you mean I'm too sick to work? I'm as fit as a fiddle. 你说我病情很重不能工作,这是什么意思?我身体很结实啊。
- What do you mean I'm too sick to work?I'm as fit as a fiddle. 你说我病情很重不能工作,这是什么意思?我身体很结实
- The man was almost 90 years old but fit as a fiddle. 那人快90岁了,但还很硬朗。
- I slept so well last night that I feel as fit as a fiddle this morning. 我昨晚睡得很好,今早感到精神饱满。
- The doctor was attending her; and presently he pronounced her fit as a fiddle. 医生正给她诊查,随后就断定她的健康良好。
- Mr Johns has completely recovered from his recent illness and is now as fit as a fiddle. 约翰斯先生这次病已痊愈,现在非常健康。
- I'll tell your parents that you are as fit as a fiddle and having the time of your life. 我会告诉你父母,你身体很好,生活很愉快的。