- The boys were given an intelligence test. 那些孩子们接受了智力测验。
- Each of the boys was given an apple. 给了每个男孩一个苹果。
- He was given an honorable burial. 他的葬礼很体面。
- She was given an unpleasant insight into what life would be like as his wife. 她恍然大悟嫁给他就要过那种日子,心里十分难过。
- He demanded, with some justice, that he should be given an opportunity to express his views. 他要求给他一次机会表达自己的观点,这也不无道理。
- He asked that he be given an opportunity to explain his case . 他要求给他一个机会解释他的案情。
- He asked that he be given an opportunity to try this method. 他要求给他一个机会来试验这个办法。
- He asked that he be given an opportunity to explain his case. 他要求给他一个机会解释他的案情。
- The Premier gave an audience to the foreign ambassador. 总理接见了外国大使。
- He was given an advance of fifty dollars on his salary. 预支了五十圆薪金给他。
- He demands, with some justice, that he shall be give an opportunity to express his view. 他要求给他一次机会表达自己的观点,这也不无道理。
- He was given an emetic (medicine) after eating poisonous berries. 他吃了有毒的浆果,已给了他催吐剂。
- It was the first time the leader of a NATO member state had been given such an audience, said Mr Gul's entourage. 根据居尔总统随员的说法,这是北约成员国领导人首次获准参见。
- You will be given an opportunity to rephrase what you want to say. 这给了你一个机会可以用不同语言再次表达你想说的话的机会。
- For despising him as a bumpkin from the countryside, Marquis Wu thought that he spared time to give an audience, Xu Wugui should feel that it is a supreme honorable. 武侯完全没有将这个乡下土包子放在眼里,他只觉得自己拨空接见这件事本身,对徐无鬼已经是一个无上光荣的面子了。
- As a result he was given an excellent job. 结果他得到了一份好工作。
- I was given an advance of a month's pay. 提前发给我一个月的工资。
- The right-hand mass were given an initial push. 给了右边的质体一个初始推力。
- Given an audience with President Lincoln, he discoursed at length on the high and ancient nobility of his distinguished family. 他不厌其烦细说自己家世显赫,自古就是高门贵族。
- They had been given an unfair advantage. 他们得到了不公正的好处。