- Several journalists were found to be hand and glove with enemy agents. 有几位新闻记者被查出与敌特勾结。
- Judges and others in high office sometimes are hand and glove with gangsters to cheat and steal. 法官和其他高职人员有时与歹徒相互勾结,干欺诈和偷窃的勾当。
- Several high-ranking diplomats were found to be hand and glove with enemy agents. 有几个高级外交官被发现与敌方人员勾结。
- I don't trust those two,they are hand and glove together. 我不信任那两个人,他们沆瀣一气,勾结在一起。
- I don't trust those two, they are hand and glove together. 我不信任那两个人,他们沆瀣一气,勾结在一起。
- He is found to be hand in glove with the enemy. 已发现他跟敌人勾结在一起。
- be hand and glove with 与; 与 ... 亲密无间
- Some of the employees are hand in glove with the security men at the gate and can walk out with things belonging to the company. 有些雇员与门口的保安人呐喊相勾结,因而他们可以将公司的东西偷出去。
- He has been hand in [and] glove with the mayor for years. 多年来, 他一直与那位市长密切合作。
- He was found to be hand in glove with the enemy. 已发现他跟敌人勾结在一起.
- She was finger and glove with me. 她与我亲密无间。
- They are hand and glove. 他们情同手足。
- We are hand in glove with each other. 我们俩人情投意合。
- Both of them are hand in glove with each other. 他们俩亲密无间。
- The two friends are hand in glove with each other. 这两位朋友亲如手足。
- Road and rail transport ought to work hand and glove. 公路运输和铁路运输应该密切配合。
- Several high-ranking diplomats were found to be hand in glove with enemy agents. 有几个高级外交官被发现与敌方人员相勾结。
- Are hand and crural desquamate why? 手和脚脱皮是为什么?
- The judges in this novel are hand in glove with some gangsters to cheat. 在这本小说中,几个法官和一些匪徒朋比为奸,欺诈他人。
- The Navy and the Cost Guard work hand and glove, especially in war time. 海军与海岸巡逻队密切合作,战时尤其如此。