- She has been held up as a model worker. 她被推举为模范工作者。
- Chauncey Billups was held up as the model. 昌西.;比卢普斯被公认为这种类型的典范。
- His son was held up as a model of hard work. 他的儿子被推举为勤奋工作的榜样。
- Dr. Berthune has been held up as an example of internationalism in China. 在中国,白求恩大夫作为国际主义的一个例子。
- As recently as last September, Anbar was held up as an example of America's failure in Iraq. 就在不久前的九月,安巴尔还是个美方在伊拉克的失败的例子。
- In this potent narrative of victimhood Israel, of course, has been held up as a prime example of Western malevolence. 当然,以色列常常作为受害者出现在令人信服的记事中,一直作为西方恶行的最好例子被一再举出。
- As for rocket science, not long ago it was held up as the paragon of baffling complexity. 至于火箭科学,不久前它还被当作具有不可思议的复杂性的典型;
- Swiss referendums have been held up as a mirror for reflection by many scholars and experts here in Taiwan. 瑞士的公民投票也一直被国内许多学者专家拿来做为借镜。
- Abizaid, a West Point graduate and combat veteran, had long been held up as the Army's most sophisticated expert on the Middle East. 阿比寨毕业于西点军校,是战斗老兵,一直被认为是军方首屈一指的中东局势专家。
- Cost overruns and leaky roofs are held up as evidence of yet another egomaniacal artist with little concern for the needs of us, the little people. 成本超支和屋顶漏水又被拿来指证有个妄自尊大的建筑师,毫不在乎我们市井小民的需求。
- Even a mighty express train can be held up by signals. 即使特别快车也能被信号阻拦。
- Lessons of the past are held up as a mirror for the present and future, reminding us to always be prepared for danger in times of peace. 史家龟鉴犹如一面镜子,使我们时刻居安思危。
- And the editorial called it a "bitter irony" that Xintai had been held up as a model city for reducing its number of petitioners. 社论将此事称为一个“辛辣的讽刺”,因为新泰曾因上访人数下降而被评为模范城市。
- Send us the fertilizer at once, or our wheat sowing will be held up. 马上把化肥给我们送来,要不,我们小麦播种就要给耽误了。
- The application has been held up by red tape. 申请被官僚的繁文缛节所耽搁。
- That a billion-euro property plan and a gaudy wedding celebration should be held up as cautionary exemplars of Ireland's pursuit of money angers Mr.Dunne. 总值10亿欧元的房地产计画和眩目俗艳的婚礼庆祝活动,应被当成爱尔兰追求金钱的殷鑑,让唐恩火冒三丈。
- The train was held up by heavy fog. 火车因大雾而受阻。
- Trains can be held up by frozen points. 结冰地段使火车停驶。
- I dont think we will be held up long. 不会堵的太久。
- The sailor was held up while he was on shore. 那个水手在岸上遭到抢劫。