- He was in a state of great agitation. 他处于异常焦虑的状态。
- The garden was in a state of total neglect. 那花园完全无人整理。
- He pronounced the country to be in a state of war. 他宣布全国进入战争状态。
- Francis seemed to be in a state of mental doldrums. 弗朗西斯看来好像很萎靡不振。
- To be in a state of busy activity. 忙碌处于繁忙的状态。
- He was in a state of profound shock. 他深受震惊。
- She was in a state of great agitation. 她极度心慌意乱。
- These children were in a state of virtual neglect. 这些孩子实际上处于无人照管的状态。
- We are in hopeless bondage to his charisma. 我们被无望的“奴役”在他的超凡魅力之中.
- The room was in a state of confusion. 房间一片杂乱。
- They were in a state of bliss during the honeymoon. 他们在蜜月期间幸福无比。
- Being in a state of boastful elation or exultation. 自鸣得意的处于自负的得意洋洋或狂喜状态的
- All things are in a state of flux. 万物都在不断地变动。
- They were in a state of exhaustion after climbing the mountain. 他们爬山以後筋疲力尽了。
- They are in a state of bliss during the honeymoon. 他们在蜜月期间幸福无比。
- Everything was in a state of disorder. 一切都杂乱无章。
- She was in a state of feverish agitation. 她在一种剧烈激动的状态中。
- I was in a state of physical serenity. 我周身感到非常平静。
- In the absence of their teacher the class was in a state of anarchy. 教师不在,班上一片混乱。
- She was in a state of nervous exhaustion. 她的神经处于极度疲劳状态。