- For a moment his life was in jeopardy. 他的生命一度陷入危险中。
- A growing number of capital projects must now be in jeopardy. 越来越多的资本项目正处于危险境地。
- His life was in jeopardy when the tree fell. 当树倒的时候,他的生命处于险境中。
- The cities contend that their water supplies are in jeopardy. 波尔德与奥克兰这两个城市声称,他们的供水已经受到威胁。
- The villagers' lives were in jeopardy during the blizzard. 暴风雪肆虐期间,村民们的生命处於危险之中。
- If we collapsed in Vietnam, the patient design of our foreign policy would be in jeopardy. 如果我们在越南垮台,我们外交政策中耐心企求的意图将陷于危殆。
- If the Supreme Court decides that the act does not apply to CO2, then the Californian law would also be in jeopardy. 如果最高法院裁决,这项法案(译者注:指《联邦空气清洁法案》)不适用于二氧化碳,那么加利福尼亚的州法也将岌岌可危。
- As Mr. A has been considered a whistle blower, his job will be in jeopardy. (由于A先生被认为是位告密者,他的工作将会受到损害。
- The great white shark of Hollywood notoriety is believed to be in jeopardy worldwide. 好莱坞那条臭名昭著的大白鲨,让人们觉得危险无处不在。
- Otherwise, with just one FA Cup from the last two years, he could be in jeopardy under the Glazer regime. 如若不然,由于近两赛季仅有一座足总杯入帐,弗爵爷在格雷泽政下可能帅位不保。
- Self claims he urgently needs to speak to the man because American lives will be in jeopardy. 寒尔夫称他需要即刻和他谈谈,因为事关美国人民的生命安全。
- One is that, with the Russians in this mood, Mr Lukashenka's grip on Belarus may be in jeopardy. 一个教训就是,把俄罗斯人“惹毛”了,卢卡申科对白俄罗斯的控制权可能会岌岌可危。
- Living in America can be dangerous if you don't know or ignore you are in jeopardy. 生活在美国可能是很危险的,如果你不知道到或忽视自己处于危险之中。
- If we were run out of Vietnam under these conditions, our entire foreign policy would be in jeopardy. 如果我们在这样的情况下被赶出越南,我们的整个外交政策将处于危险的境地。
- If we were run out of Vietnam under these conditions, our entire foreign policy would be in jeopardy . 如果我们在这样的情况下被赶出越南,我们的整个外交政策将处于危险的境地。
- Investors are unhappy and there is even talk that Mr Scott's job may be in jeopardy. 投资者对此事大为不满,甚至有人称斯科特的位子岌岌可危。
- Sensing that his life was in jeopardy, the hunter played possum until the irate lion disappeared. 当他意识到自己的生命有危险,这个猎手开始装死,一直到发怒的狮子走远。
- Almost certainly, he thought, word had reached the Neubergers that his and Ruth's marriage was in jeopardy. 他想,十有八九,他和露丝的婚姻可能破裂的消息,一定已经传到了纽伯格家。
- Until that model is fixed, our Nation's jobs and the livelihoods of our constituents are in jeopardy. 在此之前,这是一个固定的模式,我们国家的就业和生计的成分处于危险之中。
- Thus the hopes and lives of a generation, the breadwinners, providers and parents of the future, are in jeopardy. 因此,下一代的希望和生活,负担家计的人,未来的供应者和父母们,是处于危险之中。