- Catalogues of our books will be mailed on request. 书目承索即寄。
- be mailed on request 承索即寄
- Original Test Report and Invoice will be mailed to the Client on timely base. Tested and left over samples could be returned on request. 正本报告将随同发票一同寄出,测试后或剩余的样品可根据客户要求退还。
- Full details will be sent on request. 有详细材料备索。
- Catalogues are available on request. 备有目录供索取。
- Lead wire may be tin or silver plated on request. 氖灯引出线根据客户要求可以进行镀锡或镀银。
- Catalogues of our books will be sent on request. 书籍目录承索即寄。
- Samples will be sent to... on request. 样品承索即寄。
- Audition time will be notified by mail on or before22 August. 本会将于8月22日前以邮寄方式通知个别试音时间。
- You will be mailed an English ballot unless you request a Chinese ballot. 除非您申请索取中文选票,寄给您的将是英文选票。
- Our latest catalogue will be sent on request. 最新目录册承索即寄。
- Audition time will be notified by mail on or before 22 August. 本会将于8月22日前以邮寄方式通知个别试音时间。
- I want this letter to be mailed right away. 我需要这封信立刻付邮。
- The cheque was mailed to your home address yesterday. 这张支票是昨天寄到你家中的。
- I see from the postmark that this postcard was mailed from New York. 从邮戳上可以看出,这张明信片是从纽约寄来的。
- Transcript listing courses and grades will be sent on request. 如需要各科成绩单当即寄上。
- The order will be mailed to you next week. 下星期就寄给你们。
- A letter will be mailed to you shortly thereafter. 因而您很快就会收到回复件。
- Checks for new mail on the specified database. 在指定的资料库内检查新邮件。
- Copies may be mailed, hand-delivered or faxed. 副本可以邮寄,亲自递交或传真。