- Such is human nature that everybody present was moved to tears. 人性就是这样,所以在场的每个人都感动得流下眼泪。
- The old man was moved to tears . 那位老人感动得流了泪。
- I was moved to tears by her kindness. 他的好意把我感动得流下了眼泪。
- When he won the championship, he was moved to tears. 他获得冠军,激动得流下眼泪。
- The audience was moved to tears by the tragic ending. 观众被这悲剧性的结局感动得掉眼泪。
- Grown men were moved to tears at the horrific scenes. 这样悲惨的场面甚至让铮铮男子潸然泪下。
- All those present to listen to her sad story were moved to tears. 凡在场听到她悲酸身世的人无不感动得流泪。
- Often the callers are moved to tears of gratitude after speaking to a relative found to be still alive. 许多致电者和他们之后发现竟然幸存的亲人通上话后,往往感激涕零,
- All those who were present hearing her sad story were moved to tears. 凡在场听到她悲酸身世的人无不感动得流泪。
- When we are moved to tears while watching'I Not Stupid',are we crying for the characters in the movies or ourselves. 当我们看《小孩不笨》感动到流泪时,我们是为剧情哭,还是在为自己哭?
- He was moved to tears when he found that the whole body of the general was covered with wounds. 他看见这位将军遍体鳞伤,不禁落下泪来。
- At the sight of the moving scene, all the people present were moved to tears. 看到这么动人的情景,所有在场的人都感动得流下了眼泪。
- When we are moved to tears while watching "I Not Stupid", are we crying for the characters in the movies or ourselves. 当我们看《小孩不笨》感动到流泪时,我们是为剧情哭,还是在为自己哭?
- Day uneasy heart, when there is a person to know when you remember your birthday, always being moved to tears. 一整天心都忐忑不安,当知道还有一个人记得自己生日时,总是要感动到流泪。
- Lee said he was moved to tears when he read the original novel four years ago and he later decided to present the story to the film audience. 四年前,他被原版小说感动地落泪,之后他马上决定要把它搬上银幕。
- These chairs had to be moved to the new building. 这些椅子得搬到新大楼里去。
- My wife saw it later and was moved to tears, so she pasted a small note on the manuscript asking me to write it in calligraphy. 后来内人看到了此作并且感动得流下眼泪,所以她贴了一张小纸条在手稿上,要我将之写成翰墨。
- My armored divisions must be moved to the coast. 我的装甲师必须全部开往海岸。
- It is like reading the same poem when some people are being moved to tears and some others may not feel a thing at all and may even ridicule the poet's being too hackneyed. 就比如同样一首诗,有人读着感动得落泪,另一个人可能毫无感觉,甚至嘲笑诗人太酸。
- I'm going to ask to be moved to a better seat. 我要让他们给我换一个更好的座位。