- Chipmunks are native to America. 花栗鼠产于美洲。
- Origin: The cherimoya is believed to be native to the inter-andean valleys of Ecuador, Colombia and Peru. 产地:荔枝相信是本土跨斯河谷;厄瓜多尔;哥伦比亚和秘鲁.
- Meerkats are native to southern Africa and the Kalahari Desert. 狐檬是土生土长于南非和喀拉哈里沙漠。
- Azer are dwarf-like beings native to the Elemental Plane of Fire. 火矮人是居住在火元素位面的形似矮人的生物。
- The two main types of ghazel are native to the Hejaz and Iraq. 一种是伊拉克的厄札尔。
- There are six spoken languages that are considered to be native to the British as well as two local accents. 有六种口语和两种方言都被认为是不列颠群岛的本族语。
- There are six spoken languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles as well as two local accents. 加上两种地方性口音,有六种口头语言被认为源于不列颠诸岛。
- It is a book that describes all plants that are native to the British Isles. 这是一本描写所有英伦岛本土植物的书。
- There are six spoken languages that are considered to be native to the British Isles plus two local accents. 在大不列颠和北爱尔兰有六种口语被认为是母语外加两种地方语.
- The giant panda is native to China. 大熊猫是中国特有的动物。
- Many countries have adopted birds that are native to the country or which migrate through the region. 许多国家采用本国土生土长的鸟类或在国内迁徙的鸟类为标记。
- Many countries have adopted birds that are native to the country or which migrate[1] through the region. 许多国家采用本国土生土长的鸟类或在国内迁徙的候鸟为标记。
- Francois' langurs are native to southeast Asia, where they're highly endangered. 黑叶猴原生地是东南亚,牠们是高度濒临绝种的物种。
- A maid or nurse native to India. 女佣印度本地的侍女或护士
- The powerful saurian mounts used by the Dark Elf cavalry are native to this place. 原:黑暗精灵骑士乘坐的强大蜥蜴坐骑原产于此地。
- Our survey and study have shown that two species, Cycas revoluta and C. szechuanensis are native to Fujian Province. 摘要对福建苏铁经过三年多的调查、观察和研究,基本完成福建苏铁原产地的调查,认为福建原产两种苏铁,即苏铁与四川苏铁。
- Approximately 13 species: confined to the E Himalayas, W China and N Myanmar; 9 species are native to China. 大约13种:限制在E喜玛拉雅山,中国西部和缅甸北部上;9种是原产于的中国。
- Gotals are native to the Prindaar system, hailing from the fourth moon orbiting the gas giant Antar. 戈塔尔人来自普林达尔(Prindaar)星系,居住在气态巨行星安塔(Antar)的第四颗卫星上。
- Breedlove’s 16 employees are native to Facebook and instant-messaging and baffled by the need for paper. Breedlove的16位雇员经常使用Facebook,用即时聊天工具交换信息,他们对其他人需要使用纸张感到不解。
- Sulcata are native to the Sahel region of Africa, which is just south of the Sahara desert. 我们我做法是特置一个五加仑有盖大胶箱来储存已剪成小段的牧草,方便使用。