- Let us be neutral, objective and honest here. 让我们对此问题中立,客观和实实在在一些。
- I waited, but her eyes were neutral. 我等着她的反应,但她的眼睛没有露出情感有什么变化。
- Article 11. A judge should be neutral during the trial. 第十一条法官审理案件应当保持中立。
- To be neutral in this conflict is out of the question. 在此场冲突中保持中立,是不可能的。
- In general, the contact should be neutral, routine and candid. 通常,交流方式应该是中性的,程序化的和公正的。
- The welding conditions should always be neutral or slightly oxidizing. 焊接气氛必须永远保持中性或微氧化。
- Switzerland was neutral during the war. 瑞士在战争期间保持了中立。
- USDA news was neutral to positive for wheat. 美国农业部小麦报告持中立偏积极态度。
- The USDA news on soybeans was neutral. 美国农业部大豆报告持中立立场
- He prefers being neutral to taking sides. 他宁愿保持中立而不愿站在某一方。
- Should settings be neutral areas or ones that contribute to the dynamics of the townscape or landscape? 作为世界遗产的城市风貌和自然景观的变化管理是否同其它事物有着更广泛的关联?
- Removing bulky scuba equipment changes the amount of weight you need to be neutral below. 没有了水肺潜水的重装备;改变了水下保持中浮力的重量.
- In that war England was not an ally; she was neutral. 在那场战争中, 英国不同任何一国结盟, 保持中立。
- Switzerland was neutralized in 1815. 瑞士于一八一五年实现中立。
- Acidity in soil can be neutralized by spreading lime on it. 土壤的酸性可以通过在它上面撒石灰来中和。
- Can you cast it on a neutral critter and if so will the critter still be neutral to the enemy even if you control it? 可以将神经感染施放到一个中立生物的身上吗?
- May be neutralized with dilute mineral acid or vinegar. 本品呈微?A性,可用稀释的矿物酸或食用醋酸中和之。
- The state of being neutral;neutrality. 中立中立的状态;中立
- My efforts were neutralized by your one word. 你的一句话把我的一切努力全给毁了。
- The state of being neutral; neutrality. 中立中立的状态;中立