- Mr. Wu is nothing of a musician. 先生全无音乐家的风味。
- His recovery was nothing short of a miracle. 他的康复就是一个奇迹。
- His escape was nothing short of a miracle. 他的逃跑科可以说是个奇迹。
- She thinks nothing of a difficulty like that. 这点困难她根本不放在眼里。
- There was nothing of the lady in her behavior. 她的举止根本没有淑女的气质。
- Steerforth said there was nothing of the sneak in Traddles. 史朵夫说,特莱德一点也没有鬼鬼祟祟的小人那样品质。
- There was nothing of the romantic artist in a garret about Bonnard. 博纳尔并非那种阁楼浪漫艺术家,他生活得还有几分庸俗。
- Her story was nothing but a series of fabrications. 她说的完全都是编造的。
- Don't take it personally. A "rebellion" that at first seems directed at you may turn out to be nothing of the sort. 不要自以为是一个起初似乎是冲你而来的“逆反行为”,结果也许根本不是那么回事。
- Don' t take it personally. A "rebellion" that at first seems directed at you may turn out to be nothing of the sort. 不要自以为是一个起初似乎是冲你而来的“逆反行为”,结果也许根本不是那么回事。
- She can ride a motorcycle, to say nothing of a bicycle. 她摩托车都会骑, 自行车更不在话下了。
- It was nothing less than a miracle. 那完全是个奇迹。
- In the diffident manner was nothing of the art of the courtesan. 她羞怯的举止迥然不同于妓女的惺惺作态。
- This piece of glass seems to be part of a lamp. 这片玻璃似乎是一盏灯的一部分。
- She thinks nothing of walking30 miles a day. 她没把每天走30里路当回事。
- The dim outline of a house could be made out. 有一所房子的模糊轮廓依稀可辨。
- There was nothing of student about him, but very much of miner. 他没有一点学生的样子,但却有矿工的神气。
- He makes nothing of walking 20 miles in a day. 一天走20英里,他不以为是难事。
- Fancied himself to be of a macho cast. 想象他自己是一个强壮男子
- There was nothing of the strain so frequently found on great occasions. 没有那种在重大场合常常表露出来的紧张情绪。