- No sooner had his mother died that Tom began to be on the bum. 母亲刚刚死去,汤姆就开始过流浪生活。
- Her business this year is strictly on the bum. 我们今年的生意实在坏透了。
- He and his wife seem to be on the outs these days. 他和他的妻子最近似乎感情很不好。
- I hope you'll be on the level with me. 我希望你对我坦率布公。
- The big fish will be on the take in the water. 大鱼在水中会伺机捕捉小鱼。
- The news will be on the air tonight. 这个新闻今晚将要广播。
- He must be on the wrong side of40 by now. 他现在谅必四十开外了。
- My plan will be on the carpet at today's meeting. 今天的会议将审议我的计划。
- The police warned people to be on the watch for intruders. 警方预先通知大家防备有外人闯入。
- She was on the verge of telling all the secret. 她正想把全部的秘密讲给我听。
- Be on the watch for a sudden change in the patient's condition. 要密切注意病人病情可能突然变化。
- Are you sure we are on the right road? 你有把握我们没走错路?
- I seem to have been on the go all day. 我似乎整天一直忙忙碌碌。
- They were taking turns to be on the night shift. 他们轮流做夜班。
- The number of burglaries in the area seems to be on the increase. 这一地区的入室盗窃案件似有增无已。
- I am on the editorial staff of the newspaper. 我在这家报纸的编辑部工作。
- I was on the sidelines during the political crisis. 在这一政治危机时期我是目睹一切的局外人。
- Be on the watch for thieves in this crowd. 提防人群中有小偷。
- He was on the threshold of his career. 他的事业刚刚起步。
- He was the only human being on the island. 他是那个岛上唯一的人。