- The people are oppressed by the military goverment. 人民受军政府的压迫。
- Why should the many be oppressed by the few? 为什么多数人竟会受少数人压迫?
- She was oppressed by many troubles. 许多麻烦弄得她心情沉重。
- Out of job for a long time, Tom has now become a person oppressed by worry. 因长期失业,汤姆已成为深感烦恼的人。
- Why should the many are oppressed by the few? 为什么多数人竟会受少数人压迫?
- The country was oppressed by a tyrant's rule. 该国受到暴君统治的压迫。
- Maston was oppressed by sinister forebodings. 梅斯顿感到自己被一种不祥的预感紧紧地抓住了。
- She had been oppressed by dire poverty. 她曾因极其贫困而心情沉重。
- She was oppressed by [with] anxiety. 她因担心而变得忧郁。
- Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. 有些老年人因怕死而惶惶不安。
- She was oppressed by her many woes. 她的许多烦恼使她受到压抑。
- But unfortunately the revolution failed and they continue to be oppressed by the native inhabitants. 不料革命失败,客籍被土籍压迫如故。
- In the capitalist society the many are oppressed by the few. 在资本主义社会里,多数人受少数人压迫。
- The people were oppressed by the dictator's secret police. 人民受制于独裁者的秘密警察。
- In slave societies, slaves were oppressed by freemen. 奴隶社会中的奴隶受自由民的压迫。
- I feel oppressed by worry. 我因忧虑而感到心情沉重。
- Our two peoples share the same experience of having been oppressed by imperialism. 我们两国人民都有遭受帝国主义压迫的共同经历。
- "We are oppressed by Hindu chauvinism, but our view is not to establish Magar chauvinism. “我们反对印度教沙文主义,但我们并不想成为玛嘉沙文主义。
- Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling. 有些老年人因为怕死而的。
- All the time he was oppressed by the consciousness that this carefulness of diction was making a booby of him. 他始终被这种感觉所苦恼着:这样小心翼翼地挑字眼,把自己搞得真象个呆子。