- Her ideas were out of tune with the period in which she lived. 她的思想与她所处的那个时代格格不入。
- His ideas are out of tune with the present situation. 他的想法与当前的形势格格不入。
- Your speech at the meeting was out of tune with the remarks of the other speakers. 你在会上的讲话与其他几位发言者所说的精神不一致。
- The President is out of tune with public opinion. 总统与公众舆论大唱反调。
- The violin seems to be out of tune. 这把小提琴好像走调了。
- That tall boy seemed to be out of tune. 那位高个男孩好像走调了。
- The violin and the piano seem to be out of tune. 钢琴和小提琴好像不合调。
- However, many people still associate ink painting with "catalog of Chinese painting", which makes ink painting to be out of tune with modern society. 许多人对水墨艺术的印象,仍停留在《芥子园画谱》,这让水墨艺术显得与现代生活格格不入。
- A person out of tune with his surroundings is unhappy. 一个与环境格格不入的人是不会快乐的。
- The self-styled straight talker is badly out of tune with the American people. 这个自成一派的直言者并没和美国人民一个鼻孔出气。
- To be honest, some grads, even those from top universities, are bookworms and are a bit out of tune with reality. 坦白讲,一些毕业生,甚至是一些一流学府的毕业生,都是书呆子,与现实很不合拍。
- Especially, our socialism society claims that the worker is family-leader, which is out of tune with this slave system. 特别是,我们的社会主义社会声称,工人家庭的领导者,这是不符合这个奴隶制度。
- If any sexual behaviour is out of tune with the natural world, it is surely that of the priesthood. 如果有任何和这个自然界唱反调的性行为,那无疑就是这种天主教的僧侣生活。
- The band sounded terrible,because the instruments were out of tune. 乐队奏得太差劲了,因为乐器都走调。
- He gets tired easily; he must be out of shape. 他很容易疲倦,一定是身体有毛病。
- The band sounded terrible, because the instruments were out of tune. 乐队奏得太差劲了,因为乐器都走调。
- We've been out of touch with Roger for years now. 我们至今已有数年未与罗杰来往了。
- I will be out of quarantine after five days. 我五天后解除隔离。
- Imcompatible with; out of tune with; out of one's element; like a square peg in a round hole. 互相抵触,不能结合在一起。
- Do more exercises or you will be out of condition. 多做锻炼否则你会身体不好的。